Chapter 4

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Nothing scares me. Not spiders, snakes, the dark, heights, the demons, or even death. But at that moment, I swear to god I almost wet my pants. The trees looked like giant with claws, and sharp teeth. The iron gate creaked in the wind, and the house screamed murder. It looked like no one had lived in for over a hundred year or so, maybe more. Each window has iron gates on it, and had the Gothic architecture look to it. Gargoyles sat on the stone pillars that held the gate up and looked ready to attack whoever shall try to open them. My mother must have been mad to want to come back here. How could anyone want to live here. I had a demon on my shoulder, and that's more easy to believe than being five and living here like it was normal. How my mother ever had a friend was beyond my knowledge.

"Marcus, take the key and unlock the gate," my mother tossed me the key ring with the key to the house on it, and I ran to the gate, unlocked it, and quickly got into the car, slamming the door. She laughed, "I know, it can be a bit intimidating. When I was a child, I called the one on the right Loured, and the one on the left Zoel. They were my buddies that I talked to all the time. I did my homework with them too."

"Mother, and I am only going to say this cause I fear your sanity, but you need to get some help." she laughed again, but I was totally serious.

"I am sane my lovely boy. And don't worry, they can't hurt you, they are made of stone." I guess she's right, but the vibe I got off of them, was not what you'd expect to get from a rock.

Parking the car, I get out, "I'm uh..gonna go explore the house, okay mom?"

"Yeah hun, just be back around five for supper."

"Okay," walking through the doors, the creaking made a shiver go down my spine. It smelled of smoke, pine, and strangely, peppermint. When you first walk into the house, you enter into a room, with a hall to both sides of you. Two stair cases leading to a look over, and under that was a wooden door. Climbing the stairs, I notice the wood was a brilliantly crafted oak with an ivory finish. The walls had a burgundy color to them, dark and dusty from years of not being taken care of. Reaching the top of the stair case, two more went in opposite directions, leading to the second floor. There was a banner with the Blade family crest on it. A silver shield, with a stag and a lion fighting, and two  swords crossing behind it. White roses wrapped around the shield and swords, with thorns dripping in blood. This would have been an awesome tattoo, but I was too young.

Running my fingers against the materiel, its soft, but course at the same time. Velvet? Felt? No, I couldn't pin point it, but I knew it was a special kind. I guess I should be trying to find out what room is going to be mine, but there are so many. I'm guessing, the house is huge, and the inside makes it look even bigger. With a crystal chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, brilliant statues, hand crafted to perfection by the wall. and the painting of the garden, and the house itself. I could be in my best dream. I look out the window to the creepy woods. Or maybe my worst nightmare.

Left or right? Hmm, left.

As I wander the halls, searching for a room, I see that there is a light turned on in one of them. "Hmm?" I say silently. At the end of the hall, is a door ajar, just enough of a crack to peak inside. Slowly, I open the door and search the inside. A fireplace, made of polished rock, with fine furnished chairs surrounding it. A red couch was against the far wall by the window, stained glass in a patter that looked almost endless if stared at too long. Running my hand along the couch, the soft materiel felt as though my fingers we touching nothing. The coffee table in front of it was made of oak, with a marble top and a carved date on the side of a leg. Read: 1678. Was this house made back then?

More chairs surrounded the table, and a small desk in the corner with a lamp. On both sides of the room, was a door. The first, I found, lead to a bathroom. A walk in shower, made of more polished rock, with a coarse floor to keep balance. A dragon claw tub lay neck to it, snow white with bronze claws wrapped around blood red orbs. Another window was on the wall. Looking out of it, I saw the back yard. A shed, swing set, tire swing from a willow tree, and a path into the woods.

I return to the living room, marveled at the size and beauty before heading to the next door. The door was made of pine, not oak, with brass hinges and bolts in it. The door knob looked like it hadn't been used in years, and I was reluctant to grab it. Growing tired of my cowardliness, I grab the knob and push the door open. Inside, was a dream.

A canopy bed, with drapes down the top and side to draw shut, was king sized and razed off the floor to where the top of the mattress was at the top of my hip. It was freshly made, with a think comforter and quilt. A mix of purple, red and navy blue flowered peppered the midnight sky color pillows and blankets. I felt like a punk elephant in a group of blue flamingos. Out of place. This was made for royalty, or some rich man of great honor. Not a high school student that sees things.

A long banner hung on the side wall, from ceiling to floor. It had the the silver shield, with a stag and a lion fighting, and two swords crossing behind it. The white roses wrapped around the shield and swords, with thorns dripping in blood. The family crest.

Four windows, all the gothic style with stained glass, lay on the walls. Again, making them seem endless. A breeze sweeps through the room, and I shiver.

Where is that coming from?

The windows don't open, and I've got the door shut. Looking around, I notice the banner moving, only centimeters off the wall, from a small gust of wind. Slowly, I move towards it, and reach my hand out. An eery silence fell on the room, as the tips of my fingers brush against the fabric.

"Marcus, dinner!" I jump when my mother calls from downstairs. I've been up here that long? Wow.

"Coming!" I call back. Heading to the door, I turn and glance at the banner, now as motionless as when I entered.

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