Chapter One

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Ellie sat on the balcony, smoking and sipping Pabst Blue Ribbon. She felt a bit more hipster than usual, but maybe it was just her. She flicked her head to the side, trying to get her hair out of her eyes. She didn't plan on leaving that spot until the party was over. She hadn't even wanted to come, her friend Michael had insisted. She wondered where he was, and felt slightly miffed he'd left her alone. She knew most of the people here, but she wasn't exactly a social person. Michael had gone off with all the coke, not that she'd planned on doing any. She didn't really know what else to do besides sit on the balcony, smoke cigarettes, and drink alcohol. She knew that her friend Seth was coming, and she'd just received the text that Seth was here. Stretching her legs, she stopped leaning on the balcony and walked through the doors inside. She walked downstairs and up to Seth.

"Permission to hug?" Seth asked, she nodded as she smiled. Seth smiled and hugged her.

"I've missed you!" She hugged him back. She turned to see Jay, who had been mentioned earlier in the day while she'd been talking to Seth. She could tell that Jay did not want to be here. His arms were slightly wrapped around himself and his weight kept studying between feet. He was biting and chewing on his lip. He had that awkward expression you make when you are forced to go to family gatherings or high-school reunions. She found him to be quite attractive with his messy hair and seemingly awkward nature.

"Hey." Ellie said, not really saying much. She flashed a smile his way. Jay was a bit dazzled, she was pretty hot.

"I'll be on the balcony." She said, turning to leave.

"Why? You don't wanna stay down here with us?" Seth asked.

That was the last thing Ellie wanted. Jay wanted her to stay because, well, she was fucking hot.

"I'm only here because Michael made me come." She said, sounding tortured.

She played with the edges of her sleeves awkwardly. Jay thought a bit about the way she looked. And though Jay wouldn't hesitate to bang her, he could tell she wasn't the easy type.

"Awww, poor Ellie doesn't have any friends to talk to." Seth mocked. "Stay down here with us, we'll smoke some weed and have a good time." Seth added.

"I don't think Jay wants to be down here either by the look on his face. I'll keep him company." Ellie said, shrugging. Jay didn't understand how she knew, but was kind of glad she did.

"Well, Jay. You already got a chick and you've been here only five minutes. Don't let me cock-block you." Seth joked as Jay and Ellie went back upstairs.

Ellie sat on the edge of the balcony, her back facing the open air. There was a bit of a breeze tonight, but she doubted the weather would turn cold. It was a bit humid, but maybe that was just because the balcony sat above the hot tub. Ellie's hair fluttered in the breeze, causing her to have to push it back behind her ears every few minutes.

"Isn't that a little dangerous?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, it'd really be a shame if I fell." Ellie pretended to start to fall.

Jay yelled and grabbed her by the waist. She laughed and leaned in close to his face, biting her lip. As much as Jay would have loved to kiss her, he couldn't. He planned on bagging-and-tagging her and then getting the fuck out of dodge. Not that he would tell her that. Jay instantly backed the fuck up. Ellie laughed even more and slid forward off of the balcony, her shoes connecting with the ground. Jay shook his head and pulled out a cigarette. She tossed him a lighter and took the last sip of her Pabst Blue Ribbon.

"You actually like that stuff?" Jay scrunched his nose.

"Don't hate on me, you're as hipster as I am." Ellie joked.

Ellie nodded and crushed the can, tossing it over her shoulder and off of the balcony carelessly. She heard someone cry out in pain and covered her mouth. She giggled and looked over the wall to see who she'd hit. Jay looked over the balcony as well to see Michael Cera clutching his head. They quickly pulled back before Michael saw them, though he was probably too high to walk upstairs to check.

"Oops, well, he deserved it." Ellie said.

"What did he do to you?" Jay asked.

"Brought me to a party I didn't want to go to, and then abandoned me." She replied.

Ellie took her lighter back and shoved it in her pocket. She could feel Jay looking at her, but she didn't say anything.

"I can sense that you didn't want to come here." She said.

"And how could you possibly know that?" Jay asked sarcastically, sipping his Coke.

Ellie smirked and took the can out of his hand and sipped it. Jay didn't really mind, but he did take his Coke back. He tried to be low-key when he was staring at her. Pale, kind of short, nice boobs. He liked her face. He didn't really know how to explain that. She just had these wide eyes that were like a child's (no pedo), and an overall kind looking expression. Ellie licked her lips. She felt a bit hot and decided to shed her sweater. Her shirt underneath it slid up. Jay's eyes traced the pale skin on her stomach. She was pretty skinny, a little too skinny. But that's the price you have to pay for being a model. She wore a respectable Arctic Monkeys t-shirt underneath it. She draped the sweater over the balcony wall. Jay tried not to stare at her anymore, or she would probably label him as a creep.

"Let's go downstairs for a little." Ellie said. Jay decided to follow, he felt a bit better knowing he had at least one friend with him.

She could hear a piano playing. She laughed to see people were going to sing. She rested against the wall. Jay stood behind her, watching the spectacle with ridicule.

"Take yo' panties off-" Craig started singing. Ellie laughed and looked at Jay to see he was making a face. They didn't try to push through the crowd and simply hung in the back, observing. She reached for his Coke and he cracked a smile and handed it to her. She took a sip and handed it back.

"C'mon, Rihanna take your panties off for me-" Craig sang.

"C'mon, Craig can you fuck off of me?" She sang back.

The crowd laughed, and then things started getting louder. Jay took Ellie's hand and dragged her out of the room.

"Not a fan of singing?" She asked, following him willingly.

He lit a cigarette and smoked it as he talked to Ellie. He went to get another and realized the carton was empty.

"Agh, I'm out of cigarettes." Jay said.

"You want to go get more? I mean, I'll go with you." Ellie said.

Jay nodded and let her step inside first. She walked downstairs.

"Hey Seth! We're going to get more cigarettes, you want to come?" She asked.

Jay reiterated what she'd said. Seth and Jay had a short conversation and then they set off to the store down the road. The air had become a bit cooler than Ellie had expected, and then she regretted taking off her sweater. Ellie shivered a little, but didn't complain. She crossed her arms, trying to ignore it. Jay offered her his jacket but she declined. She awkwardly listened to Seth and Jay argue. She didn't say anything of course, as it wasn't any of her business. She focused on not bumping into people or getting run over by a car. Jay finally couldn't stand to watch her be cold any longer, and put his jacket on her shoulders.

"Jay, it's your jacket. Really, I'm fine. I'm the dumbass who forgot my sweater back at the house." Ellie said.

"You might be a dumbass but that doesn't mean I can't be nice." Jay said.

Jay and Seth continued to bicker as they approached the store. Jay opened the door for Seth and Ellie. They walked into the store, not knowing what was to come.

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