Chapter Seven

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Everyone headed to bed, and Ellie laid down beside Jay with her back to him. Jay sensed she was still upset. He linked his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. He pecked the back of her neck and she shivered. He continued to do this, and then proceeded to tickle her.

"Jay, how old are you? Five?!" She giggled as his fingertips connected with her ribcage.

"No, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun." Jay said, kissing her cheek.

"We should probably go to sleep but I kind of don't want to." Ellie said.

She sat up and looked down at Jay. She leaned down and pecked his lips. He touched the sides of her face and looked at her. He just didn't have any words to describe her. She was the prettiest, sexiest, most wonderful person he'd ever met. And he didn't fully understand why. Why was he so attracted to her? Was it her icy blue eyes and dark hair? Her skinny frame and small hands? Her loving, but fun personality? He didn't understand, but he didn't care. He'd always thought he'd be alone, probably forever, and then she came along. She smiled and he felt her blush. She leaned down and kissed him gently. He kissed her back, stroking her cheek. He'd always sort of craved this. He wanted to be able to touch someone like this, hold them, tell them he loved them. He'd never thought it would be like this. She laid back down on her stomach and pecked his lips again. He tried to kiss her more rough but she wouldn't let him.

"Ellie..." He whined.

"Jay..." She mocked him.

"We have to go to sleep and they can hear us from upstairs." She said.

"So? I'm just reminding them of what they can't have." Jay said.

Ellie laughed and leaned down to peck his lips again, but he wouldn't let her get away that easy. He kissed her roughly, biting her bottom lip. He wrapped an arm around her waist so she couldn't pull away. Eventually she gave in and kissed him back. She hoped she would be rational, but at the same time she was completely ready to toss reason out the window. Jay was keeping his hands to himself, but Ellie really didn't want to do that.

"Ellie, look, we don't have to have sex." Jay said.

"I know." She said.

"And anyways, how would we be quiet?" Ellie asked.

Jay shrugged. Ellie laid her head on his chest.

"I'm feeling a bit tired now. I think I'll go to sleep." Ellie said.

"Goodnight." Jay said. Ellie sat up and pecked his lips.

"Goodnight." She whispered before closing her eyes and falling asleep.


The group decided to play a game of cards, but Ellie decided to drink a beer and watch. Jay played with some of her hair. She looked innocent and content, his favorite look on her. He wasn't even really paying attention to the card game, he was paying attention to her. Her pretty blue eyes. How she was smiling and it made him feel better instantly. She started playing a round with him and they eventually won. Which cued Ellie's extremely inappropriate victory dance (not that anyone minded).

"I'm kind of hungry, we should eat something." Ellie said.

Jay nodded and they walked into the kitchen so they could split up whatever they all chose to eat. They decided on some cheese, which Ellie ate quickly and then laid down on the couch. She felt lazy, but she didn't have much else to do. The world outside had gone to hell, she might as well sleep through the end of the world. Jay sat on his knees and looked at her.

"Man, she got you fucked up." Craig said.

"What do you mean?" Jay asked.

"I ain't never seen you like this, she changin' you. In a good way." Craig replied.

Jay thought this over. "Yeah, I guess you're kind of right." He said.


"Let's do all the drugs." Seth said.

Ellie took a sip of Jay's drink. Jay took a gulp and said, "Meh, I don't really want to."

"Should've thought of that before you drank a can full of ecstasy." Seth said.

Shit, Ellie thought. She didn't really remember the rest of that period of time, just that they ended up making a sequel to The Pineapple Express.


Ellie sat next to Jay, watching their home-made sequel to The Pineapple Express and smoking pot. She smiled at him and finished her blunt. She stomped it out and threw it in an ashtray. Jay smacked her ass when she came over to sit back down.

"Dick." She mumbled.

There was a loud noise from by the front door. Something metal connecting with something wooden. Jay pushed Ellie behind him, standing defensively. Everyone was screaming when they saw the person hitting the door was hitting it with an axe. Jay wasn't letting the person touch Ellie. Jay automatically pushed Ellie behind him. Ellie didn't mind, because she was petrified. The person stepped through the hole they'd made in the door. It was Emma Watson. Jay relaxed a bit, but Emma still had an axe. Ellie wasn't sure if she should be relieved or more afraid. Should she be relieved because it's only Emma, or afraid because it's only Emma who had managed to acquire an axe and break into their fortress.

"Oh my god you guys are alive! You're actually alive, thank god." Emma said.

Jay wasn't calming down, so Ellie slid her hands up the back of his shirt. She rubbed soothing patterns on it until he wasn't in such a tense position. His muscles were rigid. He finally relaxed and turned to her. She pecked his lips and they decided to help Emma. They gave her a blanket and then everyone started asking questions. Ellie couldn't care less, so she just paid attention to Jay. Jay still seemed a bit wary towards Emma, but Ellie couldn't understand why. She took one of his hands and squeezed it, as if to remind him that she wasn't going anywhere and nothing was going to hurt her.

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