Chapter Fifteen

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Ellie was on the verge of passing out, whether from the head injury or exertion or lack of sleep she didn't know. She looked pale to Jay and he placed his hands on either side of her face. The car hit a bump, causing both of them to rise a bit out of their seats, but Jay's eyes never left hers.

"You don't look too good. Are you feeling okay?" He asked.

"Tired." Ellie said.

Seth, James, and Jay talked while Ellie rested her eyes with her head in the crook of Jay's neck. He smelled like smoke from the fire that had engulfed their only place of sanctuary on Earth. Jay's arms wrapped around her and his forehead rested against hers.

"I'm so sorry Ellie. I've been so mean to you and I don't know how I can apologize." Jay said.

"It's okay. I'm fine, really." Ellie said.

Jay pecked her lips and smiled a little at her. Her nose brushed against his and she giggled. He kissed her harder, biting her lip. He was glad she was still alive with him. She could've left with Danny (who was probably dead), or sacrificed herself along with Craig, or died in the house fire with Jonah. Instead she was sitting in James' shitty Prius with the rest of the group. He was glad she was safe, and here in his arms, warm and- CRASH!!!


Ellie's ears rang, what had just happened? She could faintly hear voices, and all the doors to the car were wide open. She was slumped on the floor of the Prius (which was no easy feat, mind you), and her head was slowly starting to become lucid. Where were her friends? She sat up to witness them being pulled and pushed around by people who appeared to be completely savage. She kept her mouth shut, but one of the maniacs spotted her and shouted toward the others.

"Hey! We've got another one!" The maniac shouted, causing Ellie to scream.

Jay fought against the people who were holding him back, but it was useless. They were gonna kill them all and nothing could save them. Ellie was pulled out of the car, with a few cuts on her face from the broken window glass. Her hair was a bit tangled and she was walking strangely. Was she okay? Was she in pain? Jay needed to know that she was okay. A few of the savage people pushed her forward and she tumbled to the ground, not being able to keep herself upright, as she was still dizzy and disoriented. The savages started pushing the group around, until the headlights of a van flashed on and everyone stopped. Jay ran over to Ellie and wrapped her tight in his arms.

"Are you okay?" Jay asked.

"I believe so." Ellie said.

Danny went on a highly-insane rant about how he's a cannibal and he does whatever he wants. Ellie was clutching Jay's hand like a lifeline, though it realistically was. She truly believed if she fell again she wouldn't be able to stand back up without the flesh getting eaten off of her bones. James whispered something to Seth and Jay, and Ellie could barely hear it. James was going to create a diversion, and Ellie decided she would help. If she could keep Jay alive for just a few minutes more she would die peacefully, regardless of how she died.

"I'll help you James." Ellie said.

"No the fuck you will not. I am not losing you, not now, not ever." Jay said.

"Jay, I know you're trying to be nice, but this could be your last chance at life. Please, let me do this one thing, we're all gonna die one way or another, I'd like to die knowing I helped someone." Ellie said.

Jay wanted to fight for her, but at the moment he was in the same position as her and no amount of fighting would save her. She was willing to die to save him, and he knew no amount of persuasion could convince her to change her mind. The boys tried to persuade Danny to change his mind and not kill his friends, but Danny had his mind made up. He called for the feed to begin, and James shouted a quick 'Fuck you!' before hitting someones face with a rock. Ellie kicked a maniac holding a chainsaw in the nuts, causing him to drop it a few inches from her foot. She grabbed it and swung it at the savages. Jay and Seth started to run, Seth half-dragging Jay, who was trying to stay behind to help Ellie.

Ellie disabled just enough enemies, and went to run away but something stabbed through her stomach. She knew this stab was fatal, but she kept running as long as she could. The savages were still focused on James, who was putting up a massive fight. Blue light engulfed Franco, who openly boasted about his ticket to heaven, and the light went out. Danny laughed and the pack of savages began to feast. A bite was taken out of James' face, blood gushing out of the wound. His screams could believably be heard for miles. Ellie fell to the ground, coughing up blood.

"Ellie!" Jay yelled, running back.

She was pushing him away, blood dripping out of her mouth.

"Get out of here, I'm fine." She said, still trying to fight against his grasp but the more she fought the worse her stab wound hurt.

"No, no, please don't die!" Jay begged.

"I'll be okay. At least I'll die protecting you." Ellie said, truly meaning it.

She could feel herself draining, and then blue light engulfed her. She smiled a bit, had she truly proven her worth?

"Oh my god! Ellie!" Jay said, smiling and yelling.

"I love you. Now get out of here." Ellie said, planting a kiss on his lips.

Jay watched as Ellie was sucked up into heaven, and he shouted for everyone to hear. "I love you too!"

This Isn't The End (Jay Baruchel) *Completed*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin