Chapter Ten

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Jay lay beside Ellie, chilling out peacefully. It was a mostly uneventful day so far, so everyone decided to lay around and do nothing. Ellie kissed Jay's neck gently, which caused Jay to shiver. He pushed hair out of her face and pecked her lips. She smiled a little, and cuddled into his chest. She could sense that he was tense, she didn't know how but she trusted that her gut feeling was correct.

"Are you okay? You seem stressed." Ellie said.

"I am stressed, how are you not?" Jay said.

Ellie shrugged, and un-tangled their limbs. she sat on her knees and looked down at Jay.

"Take your shirt off." She said.

"W-why?" He asked.

"Trust me?" It almost sounded like a question, but it was bordering on a demand.

Jay obliged, though he was feeling a bit nervous and insecure. She made him turn over and lay on his stomach. She touched his back with her cold hands. It felt nice, almost soothing, and Jay wasn't objecting. She ran her hands down his stomach, sometimes allowing her fingernails to brush his skin as well. She applied a bit of pressure and worked the stress out of his system. Jay soon felt drowsy, and completely appreciated her soft touches.

"Thanks babe." He said, his voice slow and calm.

He could vaguely hear her humming, and it only made him more sleepy. He soon fell asleep, letting his drowsiness pull him under. Ellie smiled a little and went down the hall to grab a blanket. She draped it over Jay, and he didn't even twitch. She smiled and sat down on the floor next to the bed. She grabbed a book from the nightstand and lost herself in it.


She heard Jay stir and looked over to see him stretching and waking up.

"Mmh, how long was I asleep?" Jay asked, turning to look at her.

"Maybe a few hours." Ellie said, setting down her fourth book. It had been much longer than a few hours, but she wasn't about to tell him that.

"Wow, that's a lot." Jay said.

Ellie stood up and sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked at him sweetly.

"How did you sleep?" She asked.

"Better than I have in a while. Where did you learn to do that?" He asked.

"I've done it on James a couple times." She said.

Jay glared at her and she giggled. "I'm kidding. I used to do it to my roommate when I lived in Chicago a lot. He had a lot of nightmares and it took forever for him to fall asleep." She said.

Jay touched her cheek and slid over so she could lay down. She laid down beside him. He brought her closer and connected their lips. Ellie bit his lip, her soft hands trailing up his chest. Her hands trailed to the nape of his neck, gently playing with his hair. He craved her, but he knew nothing was going to happen. Her hands slid down to the front of his pants. Jay wasn't objecting, but he didn't know if he was ready. Jay pulled away, and Ellie could sense he was nervous. She pulled her hand away in an instant.

"You're nervous, and unsure." She stated.

Jay kind of nodded, and said, "I just... I need to know that I can trust you. I thought I was ready, but now I'm not so sure."

"Okay. We don't have to do anything if you aren't ready." She said.

Jay appreciated this, because he was used to girls getting mad. They'd tell him to "man up", and usually left him soon after. Jay reconnected their lips, pulling her flush against his chest. She giggled a little bit, and he guessed she was pretty ticklish. He started tickling her, and her laughs became close to hysterical. He pinned her down with his thighs and continued to tickle her. She tried to push him off, but he was too heavy. Tears started streaming down her face from laughing so hard. He finally stopped so she could catch her breath. Her cheeks were bright red and her eyes sparkled. He laid back down beside her. She snuggled into his chest.

"You remember the first night we were stuck in this place? And you and me were laying down? I was right about to kiss you, and then Seth walked in and I was so mad. I liked you so much and fucking Seth ruined the moment." Jay said.

"I thought it was kind of funny when I threw my pants at Jonah." Ellie replied, giggling.

"You were so mad, you just threw your pants at him and your face just showed pure hatred." Jay said.

Ellie felt a bit drowsy, maybe from play-fighting, or maybe it was just a long day.

"You tired?" Jay asked.

"Yeah... a little..." Ellie said, her voice slow and calm.

Ellie drifted off soon after that, feeling Jay's hand rub her back and his lips connect with her forehead.

This Isn't The End (Jay Baruchel) *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora