Chapter 1

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Hey everybody, Angel here. Okay, who's read the book and/or seen the movie The Outsiders. It's sad, I know, but it's also definitly one of my FAVORITE. STORIES. EVER. So, a while ago, I was rereading the book for, like, the bazllionth time, and I started thinking. I thought, "Hey, what happened to the boys after the book ended?" And then, a little bit later, I was thinking about my favorite character. Just so you all know, I am absolutely in LOVE with Sodapop Curtis. *blushes* So, anyway, I was thinking about how he really loved Sandy, and then she got pregnant with somebody else's kid. THEN, I was thinking, how would Soda handle that, you know, if he fell in love again. Thus begins the story of Sienna Rayleigh.

For the already created characters, I'll use pictures from the movie. However, for the characters I create, I will try to pick actors and actors who are more current, as opposed to how they would have looked when the movie was created.

For now, the only character I've created is Sienna, and she will be played by Avril Lavigne.

The picture is of "the gang," and is from the movie, and included Johnny and Dallas :( though this book does not because, well, in the story...they die. :'(

This story picks up a few months after the book ends. Enjoy!


Boy's World

An Outsiders FanFiction

Chapter 1

"Ponyboy Curtis, you get back here right now!" a dripping wet boy ran past me as I was walking down the street. His shoulder brushed against my arm, and I spun in a circle before coming crashing to the ground. "Shoot, I'm sorry," he looked at me. A tentative smile toyed with his lips as he looked at me. "You a greaser girl?" I opened my mouth to reply, but froze when another boy draped his arm around my shoulders.

"'Course she is Soda, check this out," Steve Randle took ahold of the end of my long braid, and howled, clutching his hand. I smirked and ducked out from under his arm.

"Nuh-uh Stevie, you can look, but you can't touch." I said, shaking a finger at him. I looked over and noticed the other boys appearing. I should have known, after all, they were always in a group.

"Stevie?" he glared at me, before turning back to examine the row of puncture marks in his hand. Sodapop Curtis was now looking at me curiously, so I flipped my long braid over my shoulder.

"I figure, if you boys are gonna make your hair all fancy, I can put a little somethin' in my braid. I don't wanna be mistaken for a Soc," I explained, wrinkling my nose at the thought. Sodapop nodded, seeing the grease that was streaked through my hair.

"Well, look at you," Keith Matthews whistled as he came to stand beside Sodapop.

"What about 'er, Two-Bit?" Steve inquired.

"Dally woulda been all over this one," he nodded at me. They all looked sad. I winced, remembering what I had heard. Dallas Winston had shot and killed by the police, in a park, near my house no less. It had only been a few months since these boys had lost their buddy.

"So, I best be going," I said, trying to fill the awkward silence.

"Naw, stay a bit," Sodapop said, looking at me. "I'm Soda, by the way, Sodapop Curtis."

"I know. You work at the gas station, right? You, and Stevie," I smiled to myself, thinking back to Steve's face a few minutes ago. Soda nodded.

"Okay, now I'm curious." Steve stood behind me, examining my hair. "What the 'ell did you stab me with?" I laughed.

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