Chapter 5

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Boy's World

An Outsider's FanFiction

Chapter Five

"Well isn't this just a CHARMING set up," a loud, brassy voice blared through the halls. I groaned. The kids looked fearful, sitting frozen for a moment, before scattering into the backyard.

"Go AWAY Jake," I said loudly, motioning franticly for Soda to hide. Luckily, he quickly complied.

"You know what? I don't think we will." He walked into the kitchen.

"We?" Three of his friends walked in behind him. "Seriously? Back-up?" Jake nodded. I sighed. "Can we at least take this outside?" Reluctantly, Jake nodded. Once we were all outside, he turned to me again.

"Now, I'm going to ask you, for perhaps the hundredth time, and definitely the last..."Jake began. He paused for a moment, but only to pull a mean-looking, black handgun from behind his back. I sucked it a sharp breath as he leveled it at my head. "Are you going to agree now...girlfriend." I shuddered, hating the way the word rolled off his tongue. I froze as I saw him tense a bit, tightening his finger around the trigger. "Well?" he snapped. I didn't move. "Fine then, if you won't cooperate..." He nodded to his friends and they grabbed me from my two sides, and from behind. "Start walking," he commanded me, and, when I didn't move, his friend gave me a punch in the small of my back. I winced, and stumbled forward involuntarily. I looked around pleadingly, but didn't see anyone...where was Soda when I needed him?

"Jake Reilly, what are you doin' to that poor girl?" a girl's sharp voice snapped from behind me. I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"I ain't doin' nothing to her, yet...Anita," Jake said her name like an insult, taunting, teasing.

"My name is Annie, you call me anything different and I'll skin you alive," she paused, probably just for dramatic effect. "In fact, I'll even skin you with your own damn knife." Jake rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure you will, Anita," he told her, emphasizing her name. He opened his mouth to say something else, but I never found out what it was. She walked forward quickly, stepping into my line of vision, and her fist connected with his jaw before you could say 'brass knuckles.' I took advantage of the distraction, twisting around and sending Jake's friends a few quick punches that freed me from their grasp and sent the cowards running for the hills.

Once I was free, I turned to help my savior, but she was easily holding her own against Jake, who was currently curled up on the ground as she viciously, and repeatedly, kicked him in the ribs. "Ummm, you can stop that now," I ran up to her and grabbed her shoulder. She spun around quickly, then relaxed when she saw that it was only me. I looked at her curiously, having only managed to have caught a glimpse of her in my sideways vision. She had dark hair and tan skin, which contrasted sharply against her white wife beater and black leather jacket. "Thank you, for that, I REALLY didn't feel like getting shot today," I told her gratefully. She laughed.

"No problem. It's not like I could exactly sit there and watch it happen..." she trailed off as she searched her pockets. After a few moments, she came up empty handed, then looked at me. "Got a smoke?" she asked. I shook my head.

"I don't smoke," I told her, and she looked disappointed. "But, I DO know some lazy boy, who shoulda been out here the whole time, who might." I turned towards the house and yelled. "SODA!!"


Who liked hearing about how Jake got his butt whuppped? Yeah, me too.

And who likes Annie? I have big plans for this girl...

Well, I hope you liked this chapter, I don't know when the next one'll be up, because I'm really busy these days, school starts in less than two weeks :'(

Oh well, I must be off.

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<3 Angel

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