Chapter 3

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Boy's World

An Outsiders FanFiction

Chapter Three

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Jake Reilly, obnoxious Soc extraordinaire, leaned against the counter, a smirk plastered across his face. I groaned internally before pushing past him to stand at the counter.

"For the last time, Jake, I. Said. No! I'm a greaser through and through, and I ain't gonna change that for anybody!" He frowned. "Especially not," I continued. "For some pampered, pretty-boy Soc like YOU!" Now Jake just looked angry.

"Oh REALLY?!?" he asked, stalking around to my side of the counter, so close I could smell the alcohol in his breath. Yanking the end of my braid, where, unfortunately, the leather strap did not reach, he pulled me up against him, my back to his chest. "You know," he hissed into my ear...

"You leave her alone, RIGHT. NOW." Soda yelled as he burst into the store, brandishing a mean-looking pocket knife. Jake didn't move. "Now," Soda growled. Behind me, I felt Jake reach into his pocket, and couldn't help but yelp softly as the switchblade ran up my spine, and around to hover at my throat.

"What the HELL is going on here?" the manager, who never left his office, came running out. He took in the whole situation, and gasped. "Jake Reilly, you get out of my store RIGHT. NOW." he commanded. Jake shook his head slowly. The manager, who was apparently a VERY smart man, pulled a vicious-looking black handgun from his back pocket. Jake let go of me more quickly than I had expected, and I dropped to the floor with a gasp. Jake turned and ran out the door as Soda and Steve raced over to me.

"Sienna, are you alright?" Soda asked, shaking my shoulders. I nodded.

"A little shaken up, I presume," the manager said kindly. "Why don't you two boys take her home, you three have had quite a scare. You're done for the day."

We thanked the manager profusely before heading back to my place to hang out until it was time for the boys to head home.

"Are you sure it's okay that we stay here?" Soda asked for at least the fourth time since we'd arrived at my house an hour ago. I nodded.

"It's fine. Well, except the fact that Steve's eating all my food," I pointed to the kitchen, where Steve had his hand buried in a bag of potato chips. He looked up.

"What?" he asked innocently. Soda and I chuckled. Suddenly, Soda jumped up.

"We should go," he said, looking at the clock. Swiftly, he kissed me on the cheek, before the two boys raced out the door.

So, who hates Jake? Yeah, me too. Sorry for the update delay, it's a long story....

I love the Rent CD! Just saying! I listened to the CD while I was writing this.

Sorry this chappie was so short, next one will be much much longer, I promise!

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<3 Angel

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