Chapter 2

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Exan's POV

Waking up's terrible. You have the feeling of dragging and your soul's tired from the previous night. I slam my clock from beeping, having it shut up. I took a long shower and put on my usual outfit. A black hoodie on top of my Pierce The Veil shirt and ripped jeans along with black converse. It feels comfy and it's not like you've to spend much money on it. Expensive clothes are a waste of money.

I head to the living room and see my mother in the kitchen behind the counter, making pancakes. "Good morning." My voice was hoarse and raspy due to just waking up. "Good morning!" My mother was always so happy, it made me the slightiest bit irritated but that's alright.

Digging into the energy source to keep me awake for the long school hours, I glance at my mother who was promptly whistling. Deciding not to start a conversation as always, I put my plate and cup into the sink and gave a goodbye. Picking up my black based with white skeletons school bag, I walked to school. Slowly. It was dreadful..

Reaching school, I see jocks everywhere. There are girls who look normal, yes, but there were cliques and such. Also meaning I would be a good candidate for being bullied. Perfect, just what I needed. (Sarcasm!)
I go to the school's office and see a woman behind the counter. "May I have my schedule? My name is Exan Moreln." The woman smiled and handed me my schedule. "Your locker number is 9270." Nodding, I left the office and looked at first period. The bell ringed just as I was looking at my schedule.

Going on to my Math class was weird. No one cared about me much.

- Time skip to after school. Nothing happened and no one cared about him. -

Weird, no one has hurt me yet. I guess they're going gentle on me due to my first day? There's really no other reason.

Going back home and walking silently, I hear a rustle in the bushes. Looking over to the bushes around me, I shrug deciding it was the wind. I take off my shoes once I reach home and place it on the shoe rack. Didn't really need to take a shower since there weren't any bullying today. My parents usually come back at midnight. Plenty of alone time for me.

Reading more Wattpad stories, I soon noticed it was midnight. I must have skipped food. I went to the kitchen and fixed up a cup ramen for myself. I don't know why there's a cup ramen here, since we just moved, but I won't question it. After throwing the empty cup ramen away, I hear a click at the door. Soon enough, I see my parents coming through, smiling at me. "Exan.. We have just the thing for you. You're going to love this addition to our family."

Staring at my father, I conclude he has gone crazy. Then, a.. dog? Well, whatever it is, came to the front and.. Kind of... Barked or growled at me. It's more like a wolf than a dog honestly. Plastering a fake smile, I thank my parents, bring the dog to my room and close the door.

The dog kept staring at me. "What's your name." The dog barked, but it sounded more like he was growling while trying to turn it into a bark. I stared at the dog suspiciously. "Alright then. Your name'll be.. Sacul. Nights Sacul." Sacul stared at me while cocking his head to the side as if studying my actions.

The dog can do whatever it wants, I'm just tired.. Drifting off to the land of sleep, I pray this was all a dream.

Lucas' POV

Studying my mate, I observed he was truly going to sleep. What, why would he! Wasn't he.. Excited about getting a new dog? I stare at him and lay down, resting my head on my paws and swishing my tail on the floor disappointedly. I'd thought he'd be happy..

No, I'm not truly dog by the way. I'm an Alpha werewolf, who has turned into his wolf form. What actually happened was that my mate's parents came to a pet store to get a dog for my mate. I thanked the heavens I wasn't a feline and happily, they chose me. (I was in my wolf form at that time!)

I'm sooo thankful I get to be near my mate.. It'll be hard managing the pack and acting as a dog but I'll tell my mate who I really am, once I've gotten into his heart..

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