Chapter 3

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Lucas above! His hair isn't so bushy though~ :) And a song I like is above as well. Not really a song but yeah~

Exan's POV

As I wake up, I'm reminded of who I am and why I'm here. Usually it takes a bit of extreme waking up for me to realize my life and memories, but this morning was fairly easy. Oh well, saves me the trouble. I took a shower as usual and wore a random oufit, making sure it was black while Sucal kept his gaze on me. I had not even noticed he was awake this whole time. I pet his head and rub his neck, leaving the room after I did so.

I could hear Sucal's whiny protests, but paid no mind to it. I see my mother unusually sleeping peacefully, curled up against my father's chest. It was almost time for school and I was hungry, so I grabbed anything I could find, ate it and drank my Monster.

Picking up my bag, I muttered a silent goodbye to Sucal as I slammed the door, on my way to school. Dreadfully. I see jocks and nerds all over the place, discussing what happened yesterday. I pushed open the school doors and the whole place was silent. And everyone was looking at me. Guess I'm going to be the target again this time. "Excuse me.. You.. You're Exan?" A petite girl, with her hands curled up in her jacket and voice as fragile and weak like glass, said.

I nodded, staring blankly off into space while looking in her direction. "Ah.. Do you want to become friends?" Now truly looking at her, I stared deeply into her pupils. She seemed sincere and nervous. "Why not?" Gasping, she took my hands in hers and shook them rapidly. "Yay! We're going to be best friends, I know it!" Huh. Guess we are then. Whatever, I don't really care. Flashing her a weak smile, she took it as me agreeing and squealed as she hugged me tight. Man, this girl's strength though..

Pulling away, she smiled brightly like a star. "Great! My name's Laura by the way, come sit with me and my friends during lunch break, alright?" I nodded and she seemed extremely satisfied with my answer. "Well, cya!" She skipped off across the hallway as I stared in her direction where she went off. She's weird.

Shuffling my feet to Math class, I dreaded facing the looks of her friends disgusted by my gender preferance. It always happens..


Shoving my textbooks into my locker was a tough job... But I succeeded somehow. Looking over at the school menu today, I decided I wanted Japanese Curry Rice. It's amazing. (A/N: Gosh it really is!) Scanning the humongous room, I noticed Laura standing and waving. I moved over to where she was standing and realized there were a lot of people. For me, it is a lot of people. "Sit down, sit down!" Laura sat down and I noticed a seat available. Sitting there and setting my tray on the table, I couldn't help but notice this guy next to me.. Staring at me?

What's up with him? He's giving me the googly eyes and looking all over me. I kind of feel trampled on. Laura glared at him. "Don't mind him, Exan. That's my older brother, Lucas. He's actually your m-" 'Lucas' covered her mouth, stopping the words from flowing out of her mouth. He gritted his teeth. "It's nothing. I'm just very interested in you." I nodded but couldn't help but feel awkward.. The cafeteria was filled with a tense air, laughter and chatter was no longer evident.

Soon after a good long minute though, everyone started chatting away again. Lucas smiled and dove his nose into my neck, groaning. "Lucas! Don't do that. It's rude." Lucas ignored his sister's words and smiled cheekily. "I can do such a thing, Laura. I have the right to do so."

Laura huffed in annoyance and looked away. "Whatever you say, oh-mighty-Alpha."

"What did you call him? Alpha?" Laura froze in shock. "N-No. It's something else. Just a nickname we've had for each other ever since young!" Laura giggled awkwardly as I nodded cautiously. Sounds like PDRM. (A/N: PDRM is Please Don't Reject Me, another book of mine.) Speaking of which, the author hasn't uploaded much. Lazy assed author. (A/N: Yup, been sick for a month to be honest.)

The bell ringed and I returned the utensils. "See you later." Lucas hugged me tight. Like really tight. Wait, what did he mean by later? When I turned around to ask him, he disappeared. Well whatever..

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