Chapter Seventeen: "I'm sorry I'm a shit dad."

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As soon as I open my eyes I want to close them again, the pain in my head makes me feel nauseous and the thought of my father being mad at me and Luke having feelings for me makes me feel like crying.

Why did I have to complicate things so much? A normal eighteen year old girl doesn't go around sleeping with her dad's best friend so why did I do it? Why did I have to act on my feelings? If I had have stayed away from him dad would be less stressed, I would feel less sick and Luke wouldn't feel anything at all towards me.

I'm guessing that my headache isn't all to do with the alcohol consumption of yesterday and is instead because of my worries about Luke and why I had to get drunk instead of spending time with my father.

I lay in bed for a little while longer, trying to postpone having to face anyone but when the nausea passes and my stomach growls I sit up and lazily bring myself out of my bedroom and make my way down to the kitchen. I peep my head around the door frame and see my father sitting with his back facing the door and I debate whether or not I should turn around and go back to my room.

"Are you going to come in or are you going to stand there all day? I made coffee." Dad says which slightly makes me jump but I walk in anyway and go straight to the coffee pot

"Look dad, about yesterday... I lost track of time." I say pathetically as I watch him look up from his breakfast

"Okay." He simply says and I sigh

"Can you please stop being mad at me?" I question

"I'm not mad at you."

"Yes you are! I would just rather you yelled and we could get on like we used to instead of this awkwardness!" I yell before quickly turning my back on him and shutting my eyes. I should not have said that.

"I think you should go stay at your grandma's for a couple days."

My eyes quickly snap open and I feel my stomach drop

"Grandma's? Why?" I quickly question before turning to look at my father

"You know why." He simply replies and I feel myself become more and more confused

"Is it because of me and Luke? Because I thought you had forgiven me. I thought you told me that everything was okay? That you were okay..."

"Okay? How the hell can I be okay Aria? Hmm?" He snaps "My best friend fucked my daughter!" He yells and I lower my gaze to the floor feeling ashamed "How do you expect me to be okay about this? I was only acting strong for you." He's standing now and his hands are pressed firmly on the black granite. "I've failed as a father." Dad says quietly and I look at him

"No you haven't-"

"Haven't I?" He cuts me off "Tell me what other father you know would be oblivious to his friend and his daughter having a relationship with eachother. Tell me what other father you know lets his daughter meet up with strangers and get drunk at beaches and get arrested only to have the man he doesn't want anywhere near his daughter pick her up from jail. Tell me Aria! I'm all ears."

"You-You know?" I let out a shaky breath

"Of course I fucking know! You know that paparazzi still care about everything that goes on in our life, you leaving the station with Luke in nothing but a swimsuit is on the front page of almost every trashy magazine and every single internet page."

"Dad I-"

"Save it Aria! I'm done trying to get through to you! How hard is it to understand when I tell you to stay away from him? Why do you have to keep bringing him back into your life even after he hurt you?"

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