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I act like I'm the bigger person,
like I'm doing it for the greater good,
But the truth is I'm not so noble,
But for the truth, I'm not in the mood.

I say it's fine,
Push you away with a smile,
tell you to be with your other friends,
internally screaming all the while.

When I talk to you,
don't you hear the twinge in my voice?
The tell in my eyes,
My own way to beg without losing poise?

If you could hear the pleads,
It's a prayer you'll intercept
With a flimsy smile and a laugh,
I'm begging you to protest.

Just tell me to stop,
Talking about that kind of thing,
That you want me to stick around,
No matter what they think.

But you just agree,
you don't say a word.
And all along the truth was,
I don't know how to beg.

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