Australia - (Rin x Reader)

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Yay!!! My first one-shot of this book! I thought this idea was just too adorable and that I needed to write it, so it happened! Italicized words are said in English and normal is Japanese.

Enjoy the story, Reader-chan!

Today was the happiest you've been in a long time. Today was the day you were moving to Australia. Why? You had gotten a teaching job there. It had been about three years since you graduated highschool, and you had just graduated from your university about a month ago. Normally it would take longer to get a successful teaching degree, but even when you were in highschool, you had been taking college level courses to finish early. So, here you were moving to Australia to start your first teaching job. The job was well paying, and just seemed overall great for you.

The job of course wasn't the only reason you were moving. The job was simply a bonus. The main reason you wanted to move there was your boyfriend, Rin Matsuoka. After highschool, he had moved to Australia, again, to join Australia's swim team.

You had finally finished school and saved enough money to finally move. You were so excited that the whole time you were waiting to board your plane, you couldn't keep still.

Once you were finally able to board your plane, you hugged your parents goodbye and promised to call them when you landed. You sadly waved goodbye to them and the friends that had come to send you off, and went to find your seat on the plane. When you found it, you sat down, put your head phones in, pulled out a book and read for the entire flight.

--Time skip brought to you by Pool-chan--

When the plane landed, and you were able to get off, you retrieved your bags while calling your parents to tell them that you had made it safetly. You were busy reassuring your mom that you were fine when you saw a familiar red headed male smiling at you. You quickly said goodbye to your parents and ran into his arms. You were crying because you were so happy. He just chuckled at your actions and hugged you back. When you calmed down, you looked up and pecked him on the lips.

It had been so long since you last saw him. Sure you tried to visit each other a few times in the past three years, and you had video chatted and called each other lots, but you hadn't physically seen him for about 6 months.

"I missed you," Rin said.

"I missed you too,"  you replied.

"Should we get going?" He asked while pulling away from the hug and grabbing one of your bags. You nodded and walked next to him carrying the smaller bag.

For the next few hours you and Rin set up your apartment and bought the necessary supplies for you to live there. You had a great time catching up with Rin while you did this. You were enjoying yourself so much that the time flashed by and before you knew it, it was dinner time. This was made aware to you when your stomach suddenly growled. You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly.

"Guess I should make some dinner."

You started walking to the kitchen, but Rin grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the door.

"I guess now is the perfect time to take you where I wanted," Rin smiled.

He dragged you out of your apartment and into his car. You just looked at him confused the whole ride, wondering where he was bringing you. When you arrived at your destination, you were standing in front of a house. You were even more confused than you had been in the car. Why had he taken you to a house?

"Where are we?" You asked.

"We are at the house of the people who took me in when I first came to Australia." He answered, walking up to the door, holding your hand. He knocked on the door. After a few moments, an elderly woman, probably around her 60's or 70's, answered the door. She smiled.

"Hi Rin, it's been a while since you visited us. I'm glad to see you again! I hope you're doing well. Oh, who is this? Your girlfriend?"

You decided to surprise Rin. The whole time you two had been out, Rin had done the talking, assuming that you couldn't speak English but, you could. During college, you had taken a few classes in English and you did very well in it.

"Yes I am, my name (Y/N) (L/N), it's nice to meet you," you greeted, extending your hand. She shooed your hand, giving you a hug, still smiling, and introduced herself.

"I'm Lori and my husband's name," she gestured to the man who had walked up behind her just before, "is Russell. Please come in."

You and Rin walked in, and he threw a surprised look at you.

"I didn't know you spoke English."

You just giggled, "Of course I know English, I am going to be living in a English speaking country after all."

He chuckled at your response. By then, you had made it to the dining room. The table had a spread of food layed out, and four spots were set up. Everyone sat down and started to eat. The meal was not only filled with great food, but great conversation. You grew to love the couple who had taken care of Rin so many years ago.

It was getting late, and you needed to head home, after all, you had to go to the school tomorrow for a tour and introduction. You and Rin talked a little more with his former host parents before saying goodbye.

"Goodbye Russell, Lori. I'm glad I met you both, I had a great time," you said.

"We enjoyed it too, feel free to visit anytime!" Lori cheered.

"You and (Y/N) are always welcome, Rin," Russell said.

"Thanks, we'll be sure to come over again," Rin replied.

"And don't forget to invite us to your wedding," Lori added as you two started to drive off.

Rin's face turned bright red at the comment. You just decided to play it innocent.

"Rin," he hummed, "What did they say? We didn't learn some of those words in class, so I can't figure out what they said." He blushed even harder, if that was possible.

"Oh, it was nothing." He chuckled nervously.

You had had a great time in Australia, and you thought it would be even better in the days to come.


You and Rin were sitting in his car, driving back to your apartment when you decided to break the silence. You wanted to tease him about what Lori said on your way out.

"We will do what they asked, right?" You questioned.

"What do you mean, (Y/N)?"

"Well, we'll invite them to our wedding, won't we?"


I love this, though it took me forever to write it because I was going between writing this and watching Pirates of the Carribean because it was on TV. I had volleyball tryouts for my school today but I didn't make it, (I feel like I let Karasuno down) but its fine. Instead I am going to join the swim team! My first practice is on Friday! Well, goodbye Reader-chan! See you next chapter!

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