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(1/2/f/n)-first/ second friends' name
(1/2/f/n/b)-first/ second friends' name boy
(E/n)-enemy's name
(E/b/n)-Ex-boyfriend's name
(Y/n)-your name

"Ugh. Why can't they be real?"I asked my best friend, (1/f/n), as we watched Fairytail.

"Because, they aren't real. If they were, chaos would happen."

"What? You mean like Grimmjow and Ichigo fighting each other, Jeff, EJ, Toby and BEN going on killing sprees, Renji and Shuheí pranking people, Gray and Natsu calling each other crappy nicknames and Dark Link flirting with every girl he sees just to kill them."


"Technically, the Renji and Shuheí is normal for us, (1/f/n/b) and (2/f/n/b). Gray and Natsu would be me and (e/n) and Dark Link would be (e/b/n). At least the flirting part."

(1/f/n) then made gagging noises making me and our best friend laugh at her.

"What the hell (1/f/n)?"(2/f/n) asked, through fits of laughter.

"Leave her be (2/f/n). She's crazy. I'm crazy, you're crazy. We're all crazy. Can't change that."

"Yeah. It's like trying to get the Creeps to stop killing, Ichigo and Grimmjow to stop fighting and Natsu and Gray to stop calling each other names."(1/f/n) said.

As if on cue, we heard the TV say 'OH YEA! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT ICE PRINCESS?!'

"See. Impossible."

"Aye. I agree."(2/f/n) said.

"We don't need another Happy."I said as (1/f/n) laughed.

"Okay okay. Back to business. What exactly do you see in them?"they both asked.

"Well, I like Gray for his weird habit, which is weird, Natsu cause he's a hot head, literally, Grimmjow I don't know. Ichigo, cause he wants to protect the innocent. The Creeps cause I kinda think they're kinda cute."


"Alright, really cute. Even Jeff."

"Alright it's official. You're really crazy. Crazier than us."

"That's what makes us, us. I'm you two combined."

"True. C'mon let's continue watching TV."

"Aye."Kassidee and I said.

"Oh so now you two can be a Happy and I can't."


We all laughed before continuing watching Fairytail. When night time came, we said our goodbyes and (1/f/n) and (2/f/n) left. I quickly cleaned up the living room, changed into my pyjamas, brushed my teeth and belly flopped onto my bed.

I then turned off the light and my cat, Abby, curled up next to me. Abby has black fur with blue eyes. I have long dark blue hair, peach coloured skin and light blue eyes.

"Why can't we just be in an anime?"I asked myself.

Abby mewled and gave me a look saying 'You crazy?'

"I know it might be dangerous, but think of all the adventures we could have. And you'll finally get to meet Happy."I smirked.

She then gave me a look saying 'How dare you?' I simply giggled at her before saying

"Anime world would be fun though."

Abby mewled once again before climbing on my stomach.

"Night Abby."

Abby simply mewled before we fell asleep.

~~~~~~~THIRD PERSON POV~~~~~~~~

As soon as (y/n) and Abby fell asleep, a cloaked figure walked out of the shadows. It walked over to (y/n) and Abby.

"If it's anime world you want to be in, then it's anime world you shall go."it said before touching their foreheads.

A bright light filled the room and surrounded (y/n) and Abby. When it died down they were nowhere to be found.

"Have fun in anime world. My child."the figure said before disappearing, with sparkles being left behind where it was. The sparkles then blew away with the wind when it blew.

------------TIME SKIP-----------THE NEXT DAY----------

~~???'s Pov~~

I was walking down the street, trying to get away from all the noise from the guild. I was alone and my head was hanging low, while my feet took me wherever. I've been walking for half an hour now and decided to look up only to find myself in an alley.

"What the hell?"I asked myself, as I was about to turn around.

I slowly turned around, just to see a girl lying unconscious out of the corner of my eye.

'Help her you idiot.'one side of my head said.

'No. Leave her there. She's probably a run away.'

'Pick her up. Take her to the guild and let Wendy treat her.'

'LEAVE HER THERE! She could be part of a dark guild.'


I decided to listen to the good side and picked her up. I held her bridal style and walked back to the guild. I kicked open the door just to have a table fly at me. I immediately kicked it and it broke in half. Everyone turned to look at me, before doing their normal routines.

'See. No one even noticed her. She doesn't belong.'

'Shut it. Take her to the infirmary.'

"Oi. Fire Breath. WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?"Gray*cough*Ice Princess*cough* shouted, running over.


He quickly put on his clothes and walked over.

"Who is she?"

"Don't know. I was walking and saw her in an alleyway."

"Natsu? You picked up a stray?"Lucy asked, walking over.

"SHE'S SO CUTE! I take back what I said."she squealed, before she as silenced by Gramps.

"Natsu. Take her to the infirmary."

I nodded my head, before walking to the infirmary with Team Natsu and Juvia following me.

"Is she gonna be okay?"Juvia asked, clinging to Gray.

I gently layed her in a bed and Wendy came over.

"I'll check her for injuries."she said, before moving her hands from her stomach.

Once done, after some struggling, we saw a little black kitten in her arms.

"An exceed? She's a Dragon Slayer?"Lucy asked, shocked.

"Maybe. But we're gonna have to wait til she wakes up."I said, as Wendy wrapped her hand in bandages, because of a long gash there.

We all soon left and went to our houses to rest for the night. But, I just couldn't stop thinking about that girl.

'Why was she in that alley? Why was she unconscious? Is she really a Dragon Slayer? Was that an exceed or just her pet? Where'd she get that gash? Ugh! SO MANY QUESTIONS?!?'

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