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After the fight, everyone went back inside and started doing what they normally do.
As for me and my brother, we just went to a random table and sat down. I looked over at my brother wearily as he got up and dragged Gray over to us.

"Why'd you drag me here? I was about to pummel Natsu's face. "

" Give my sister some ice. She's running low since she used to much magic. "(b/n) said, glaring at me, before dragging Natsu away from his food.

" Oh. Ok. Ice Make: Sword. "

An ice sword appeared and he gave it to me.

" Thanks. "I said, before gulping down the ice.
" Best... Ice... EVER!  Thanks Gray. "I smiled.

" Um... N-no problem. "

"Don't get to cosy with my sister Gray."(b/n) said, now glaring at Gray.
"Natsu, you know what to do."(b/n) said before leaving the Guild.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?"I shouted to him.

"To find a house for us to stay in."he said before walking out completely.

"Okay then. See you soon?"I said before Natsu gave me a tin can.
"What's in the can?"

"Fire. Your brother told me to give you some."

"Oh. Thank you Natsu. "i said, before opening the can and gulping down the fire.

Natsu nodded before going back over to his food that Happy was happily eating. Gray was soon pulled away from me by Juvia, who sent me a death glare.
And if looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.

'Today was actually a good day. Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow.'

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