What The-?!

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"Where are we?"(B/n) groaned, sitting up.

"How am I supposed to know? I'm just as confused as you are?"You replied, dusting dirt off your legs.

"Never mind."he said, rolling his eyes.

You both looked around to see that you were in a hallway. A very dark hallway.

"For some reason, I don't think we should be here."you mumbled, looking around.

"Oi! Who are you?!"a stoic voice asked, from some direction. (who knows, the person could be right above you )

"Um... Santa?"

"No such thing."the person said, before (b/n) was grabbed from behind.

"Hey! What the-!"

"Name and business here."the same voice ordered from... right behind you.

Your eyes widened as you tried to shuffle away from the person. Key word: tried. The male quickly grabbed your shoulder and shoved you into a wall, before pressing against you, trapping you there.

"Name and business for being here."the same voice growled. (I think we all know who this is)

"I told you... he's Santa and I'm his little helper. We came here to give early Christmas presents and now... you're on the naughty list."you said, grinning the entire time.

The male growled at you before slamming you against the wall again.

"Stop playing games, you little-"

"Um...Captain. This boy has a weird mark on him." (Clothes were burnt slightly when you guys 'teleported')

The male in front of you turned around and the lights immediately turned on, allowing you to see the people. The male that was pinning you to the wall was short with black hair in an undercut, grey eyes and a scowl on his face. The other male had brown hair and beautiful emerald coloured eyes.

"Let me go or else."(b/n) growled.

"Or else what?"Mr.Emo asked, glaring at him.

(B/n) looked at you and smirked. You mirrored his smirk, before a bright light flashed from your hands, blinding the two males momentarily. You and your brother quickly, ran down the hall and through a pair of doors, making it to the outside without any encounters.

"If I ever see that man again, I'm gonna-"(b/n) growled, as you continued running.

"Do nothing. Nothing at all. We're NOT having someone's death on our hands."

"... Fine."he mumbled, before you arrived in a town.

"Well, hello civilization."you mumbled, hiding in an abandoned building.

"You are definitely not walking around looking like that."(b/n) said, looking you up and down.

Your clothes were tattered from the top to the bottom, leaving little for the imagination. You looked down at yourself and shrugged, before looking at your brother, who was sending you the most deadly glare ever.

"Don't just shrug! You're too exposed!"he exclaimed, before mumbling something along the lines of 'Couldn't I have gotten a normal sister?'

"Hey!" you exclaimed. "I'm the most normal sister you could get!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! I doubt anyone would want to be your sister! You're just a meanie!"you pouted, crossing your arms and looking away from him.

"I am not-I am not a meanie!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Just be quiet and accept the fact that you will never have a sister as good as me."

"... Whatever."he said, before mumbling a few words that you couldn't hear.

Before you could ask him what he said, your body was covered in a black mini skirt, white shirt and a black jacket. Your brother was wearing a white pants, black shirt and a white sleeveless hoodie.

"Lets just go."He mumbled, before dragging you out of the abandoned building.

After familiarizing yourself with the town you were in, you quickly bought something to eat, before heading back to the abandoned building, which has been deemed your temporary home for the time being.

'That green eyed boy was actually kinda cute.' you thought before drifting to sleep.

'Nobody better harm my sister.' Your brother though before doing the same.


'(Y/n), (B/n). Where are you? It's been two days since we've seen you. Everyone is searching for a way to help you, but for some reason, I feel as if you are no longer in Magnolia. I don't know why i feel so, but... I hope you're safe. Wherever you are.' a certain blue haired female with a female exceed thought, before heading for her Guild.


"Don't worry my love. Soon enough you will be mine... and mine only. Your pesky brother will be thrown in a cell, preventing him from taking you away from me ever again. You will be mine, forever!"someone cackled, as they searched for ways to find (Y/N) and her brother.

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