Awkward Moments

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Hiya, mangareader90 here. We do not own Naruto, that belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. Enjoy the story, tomorrow I'll be doing American Literature and History homework. Imma save Precalculus homework for Monday.

"...I'm sorry about this," I mumbled, staring out the window of Sasori's car. It had been a full five minutes of silence before I spoke up.

"It's not your fault, it's the brat's. You don't have to let him take your car, you know. You can say no," Sasori responded in his usual bored tone. Great, I felt a lecture coming on if I responded to the last part. Of course, being me, I just had to put my two cents in.

"I really don't mind lending others my things, or doing favors for them though," I sighed. I prayed that he would just stop talking to me like he usually does if he gets bored with a conversation. However, my prayers went unanswered.

"If you keep living your life like this people will walk over you," Sasori sounded annoyed, and I couldn't blame him. It did get tiring when everyone had to explain to me if people were my friends or just using me.

"I don't really care to be honest," I mumbled. Why should I? It's better if everyone else is happy.

"Well start caring," Sasori snapped. I was slightly scared. When Sasori uses the impatient tone he was currently using that meant he was p***ed and something bad would happen. I didn't want him to kill me.

"Why do you care so much anyways?" I retorted back without even thinking. Wow, I need to learn to shut up. He's already p***ed off at me, making him even more irate is a terrible idea.

"You should know the answer, brat," Sasori hissed.

I didn't respond. Sasori rarely called me brat, and when he did it was always a really bad idea to respond until at least five or ten minutes passed. I felt bad because Sasori probably just wants me to look after myself since he's my friend, and I'm acting like I don't care about his worries. I really am  a terrible friend. I'll apologize when he's calmed down.

I watched as we took the familiar road to school. He was going to drop me off first before going back to  his college. He had to leave early just to drive me. Deidara just told us he'd catch a ride with Kisame. Before I could walk away Deidara had commented on that one night's events. I immediately punched him on the shoulder, already sending him an apologetic text when the car had first started leaving.

Today was a weird day. I had heard that Shisui and Shiro were trying to get Sam and Itachi together, and they both promised to send me texts as soon as anything exciting happened. I have yet to receive another text after they told me this. All I know is that Sam literally gunned it out of the driveway, meaning that she obviously is trying to avoid Itachi. She may be able to do a lot of things, but avoiding Itachi and a fangirling Shisui is something that no one can do.

"I'm sorry Sasori. I know you're trying to just look out for me, and I'm not helping by being rude about it. So, let's just put this whole conversation behind us," I told him. I looked away from the window and towards Sasori. He remained silent for exactly one minute, not even glancing at me.

"If you promise to start looking out for yourself more, then I'll accept your apology," Sasori replied. I smiled.

"It will be hard, but deal," I noticed the school parking lot come into view and I gathered up my books and my bag before he stopped in one of the parking spots. I got out to leave, but Sasori reached out and grabbed my arm before I could fully get out of the car.

"If anyone gives you trouble, text me. Don't text Sam because she'll do something overdramatic, and so will Shiro," Sasori told me. I thought about it before responding.

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