Chapter 6

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August 21st, 2012

"Go Jenna!" I screamed from the top of the bleachers at the Royal Heights High pool.

It had been three whole weeks since I last saw or spoke with James.

Like I care! I reminded myself, turning my attention back to the mock swim meet. The team's first competition was scheduled for the end of September. Jenna had quit the club a week ago to focus on the new training schedule.

She is so getting that scholarship!

I beamed like a proud parent as Jenna brought it home for her relay team, finishing off her freestyle with a quick tap on the wall. Losing her at work and pretending not to care about James' absence had turned working at the club into pure torture.

Like I cared if I saw his – very cute – ass anymore...

I shook my head and laughed at the realization...that I was a fraud!

Damn it. I exhaled a long, slow breath. I thought my body and mind had reached an understanding, but thoughts of James had been plaguing me since he left. I'd been tormented by these stupid, inexplicable feelings every time my mind drifted to something even remotely linkable to him.

Need a boyfriend. Like, now!

What was happening to me?

All of a sudden I'd become a desperate horn-dog!

Maybe I'd have a boyfriend able to suppress these out-of-control feelings if people weren't always on my ass about my appearance, destroying any remnant of confidence I possessed.

How could I snag a man if I never believed I was good enough?

According to Jenna, I was cute. And I was sure there was a guy out there who wouldn't mind his girl having a little junk in the trunk.

I was sure he's out there...somewhere...

The buzzer rang loudly, signally that the meet was over. I looked down the bottom of the bleachers, Jenna's parents were sitting with the other parents, all abuzz with excitement.

A pang of jealously shot through me. They were wearing the t-shirts her dad had ordered: his in blue, hers in pink. Her dad jumped from his seat to enthusiastically applaud his daughter's victory.

"Yeah! Jenna, my baby girl!" He fist-pumped the air then nudged his wife to join in on his embarrassing display of affection.

Jenna's mom laughed and put her arm up in a haphazard attempt at a fist-pump. He laughed and grabbed her arm, shaking it to match his own excitement. As soon as he released her arm, she dropped it to her side, shaking her head at the mother seated beside her.

"I can't bring him anywhere," She smiled, unashamed. This was an everyday thing for her and she clearly loved him for it.

I let out another long breath and headed down the bleachers. As I passed Jenna's parents, they told me to tell Jenna not to take an hour to change. I chuckled, knowing exactly what they meant.

"I'll try," I promised and headed into the hall to the alternate entrance to the change rooms. That was the only way I could enter because I had street shoes on.


I froze.

Nervousness consumed my body. I was only 'Fireball' to one person.

I hesitantly turned around. James was walking down the hallway towards me. His dark hair, normally so messy, was damp and slicked back.

He'd obviously just had a shower.

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