Chapter Two

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Maybe now you can begin to understand what I mean. A struggle even after death. I still remember it, like it happened yesterday. The day I died. It feels like a century ago now, a lot has happened since then.

I still remember the first day, the first day I woke up inside Sinistral. One place, when most people enter never see anything else again. At first I thought maybe, just maybe I was alive. I had fought long enough for someone to find me but no such luck.

I remember it crystal clear and him. The guy who in someway helped me but in other cases, not so much. I remember the worst words he said. He was the first person I met in Sinistral and he didn't bring me good news.

Let me tell you.

Life suddenly seemed to spring into me, like an injection the effects working straight away. I felt hot, too hot. I opened my eyes but everything seemed out of focus but I saw red, black and I felt heat rising from below me.

When my vision finally was normal my mouth opened in fear of where I am. I laid on hot pavement which felt rough with flames rising up underneath it, how am I not burning up?

I took a quick glance in front of me to see a long path extending below. I couldn't see much else, it was like the pavement disappeared into the shadows. It was like I could almost smell death in the air, it was destroying my nostrils, I even found it quite hard to breathe, the heat didn't help.

All I knew was, this is not Earth. "Can't I catch a break," I muttered. I'm dead, is this hell? So many questions and no one to answer them.

"No you can't," someone whispered from behind. I tilt my head around to spot a man standing there watching me and behind him nothingness.

He had dark skin, his eyes a dark green. He seemed like he had been through a lot but I'm not sure if that was just me thinking that or not.

I went to ask him what he meant by that, if he knew where we are or how I could find a way out. Am I even dead? But he over powered me before I could.

"Welcome, Cayden. I assume you know your dead?" he asked as if this was an everyday conversation as the flames below seemed to get even higher, my feet felt like they were going to burn to ashes. I can't stand this heat.

"You better get use to this, you have a long way to go before this torment heat will be over," he smiled.

"If I'm dead what is this, hell?"

"Oh no dear boy, Heaven and hell are not real. No god I'm afraid or devil but you could see this place as Hell, even worse then hell."

"I know you have questions, how your still alive if none of that god stuff is real right? Its not but there is still life after death. You Cayden, of everyone in that forsaken place, earth have been chosen."

"Chosen to go to a place worse then hell?" I asked confused.

"Yes. You will enter Sinistral, you will either be victorious or you won't," he said softly.

"What if I say no?"

"You have no choice. Your death happened for a reason, this is your only path now. You must enter Sinistral and destroy the core."

"No ones going to force me," I whisper, even if I feel like he is probably right.

"That's where your wrong, I'm sorry. I want to help you, I will when I can but right now the only way you're going is down. If you don't in the next few minutes his men will be here. Good luck, Cayden you will need it," he smiled before he disappeared.

"No please come back!" I shout into the emptiness.

It was no use, he was gone. Who ever he is. Didn't even catch a name, like that mattered. I couldn't go back I would fall into nothing and I can't exactly go back into the living, I'm dead no way of getting out of that.

I only have one option, I've got to go down. Worse then hell...I guess no one is going to give me a break.

The further I went, my feet felt heavy, like something was trying to weigh me down. Each step got worse, I thought it would never end until I hit straight into something. I look up to find two solid gates.

They were not there a second ago. The doors creak open, slowly. I hope they never open fully, that I can stay at the gates forever, no one ever letting me into Sinistral.

It was there eyes. It wasn't the long black leather jackets going all the way down to there feet, it wasn't the scars down there face or the fact that they held a long sharp sword each it was there eyes. Red eyes staring into me, trying to get inside me, it felt like they had been taken over or something.

I wanted to turn back and take my chances with the emptiness but it was almost like they had read my mind. They walked forward ever so slightly which made me catch sight of what was behind them.

 A Tower stood tall, looming down on the few pavements leading to it. Between the paths and around the whole tower flames roared up, slamming against the tower, ever so slightly now and again.

I didn't get a chance to take any more of it in. "Cayden," one of the men whispered. I looked right at him, I'm not afraid.

He was the only one that came forward and grabbed onto my arm. At first I thought he was going to drag me but he did the last thing I expected he handed me a necklace. I look at it.

"Why you giving me this?" I ask confused.

"Wear it," was all he said before he pushed me forward. I gathered what he wanted, I quickly put the necklace on and walked towards the tower the three men following me very close behind.

I walked at a fast pace. We had reached the tower. The doors clanged open and one of the men pushed me into the tower. The doors slammed behind me leaving me in complete darkness.

"Cayden Ash Sawyer, welcome to Sinistral. I would say hope you enjoy your stay but no one ever does. So young, I've never had someone so young before but when I'm offered such a good subject I'm not going to let it slip through my fingers"

I gulped.

"You're mine!"


 Alright chapter two.

Bit short but its quite hard getting this done, its nearly 12 am I need to sleep so i'm finishing the chapter here lol.

Please let me know what you think! thanks :)

 Not fully edited SORRY FOR MISTAKES

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