Chapter 7

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I and Osa sit on the couch. Osa kissed my head. "I think I'll skip work today."

"You've been're getting kinda lazy aren't you?" Osa said looking at me.

"Give me a break, it's not like there's a man that could work my body as you can."

"Don't be silly, of course not."

"So let me skip."

"Fine, but this is the 4th day."

"Yeah, but my money is nothing compared to yours."

"Yeah I know....but still. You just have to pretend that the sex is good. It never is. Never gives you the spark as you wish for, right."

"Hell yeah....never in my life it gives me a spark."

"Yeah....can we go again?"

"But it's Wednesday. That's like the 7th time. This week in 4 days."

"If you do, I'll yell more for you to stop."

"Deal." I sit in his lap as I kissed him on the cheek. He played in my shirt. I grabbed his hand trying to pretend that I don't want to. Then a knock was heard at the door. "Who is it!" Osa yelled.

"Aww, we were just getting good." Osa gets up and opens the door to see a girl with long brown hair, and green eyes. "Nana!" Osa yelled.

"Osa!" The girl yells as they hug. I tilt my head. Nana? Osa lets her in. I stand up. She looked at me. "Who's he?"

" I didn't tell you," Osa said walking to the side of me. "This is my boyfriend. Heta this is Nana, she and my dad are best friends. And we were raised like siblings."

"Oh really...I never heard about this Nana."

"Sorry, but Nana this is Heta." I put my hand out. She shakes it. I smile. She seems nice. "How about this, Heta you can show her the guest's room and I'll get dinner started." Osa walks off. Once we got in the room, Nana's face changed so fast.

My eyes widen. "What did you do to Osa for him to like a slut like you."


"You think I didn't see you with that guy yesterday at the club. It's a men and women bar to go see men stripers."

" went to a strip club?"

"That's not the point!"

"Look, ma and Osa talked about this. I don't sell my body. I drug them and take their money. Bet they learned to never come back again."

"So, you aren't evil?"

"No, of course not...I'm only bad when I need to be, to protect the ones I love."

" love Osa?"

"Truly. Without him...I would have been on that street. Still selling my body just for food. That's how bad it was."

"....I'm sorry...I'm didn't know."

"It's fine." I touch her shoulder. "But remember, one person can save you, but many can help."

"Who's that one person?" She looks up at me. I touch her chest over her heart. "You...."


"My father told me this growing up, and I promised him to pass it on. I'll call you for dinner ok." I leave the room. She's not bad, she's just lost. And I'll help her.


I, Nana, and Osa went to the bank. I and Nana sit and the line and talk. As Osa was falling asleep in the kid area. But one man looked, not so normal. He had a bag. He then took out the gun and puts the bag on the table. "Put the money in the bag!"

Everyone puts their hands up. But me....he pointed the gun at me. "You don't have to do this you know..."

" little took my money...I was gonna have some fun and you drugged me and took my money? I have nothing now!"

"It was only business."

"Business my ass! You think I'm gonna listen to that bull shit!" The gun makes a bang. But I didn't feel any pain. I open my eyes to see Nana in front of me. She falls. My eyes widen.

Osa punched the man grabbing the gun. Why did Nana risk her life for me?


I was at the hospital with Osa. Osa had to leave for work so I stayed with Nana. She wakes up looking at me. "Where's Osa?"

"He had to leave."

"What about you? You gonna leave me as well?"

"No...." I held her hand. "Thank you...."

"For what?"

"Saving me... Not even Osa saw him in time but...why me?"

" remind me of my brother...I lost him...then Osa...I don't want to lose any more of you..."

"Well you won't lose me...I'll be here." She smiled.


Once we were able to get Nana home. She never left my side. I mean even when I went to the store she was holding my hand.

"Are you ok Nana?"

"Better than you know...." She held my hand tighter.

", what do you think we should have for dinner?"

"Hmm, maybe a buffet bowl...that'll last for about 3 days from how much I and Osa eat."

" beef...maybe some fried pickles....oh and maybe some chicken..."

"And pork?"

"Yeah...that can work..." I pick up everything we will need for dinner. And a few other things for the rest of the month that might last.

I walk to the house with Nana. "We're home!"

"Welcome back!" Osa yelled on the couch.

"I and Nana are going to get started on want any beer or drink?"

"Yeah, throw me a beer."

"I got it!" Nana got Osa a beer giving it to Osa. I began with dinner and behind me, Nana was helping nonstop.

"Nana...why are you helping so much? Like 2 weeks ago you hated me..."

"Well can I put this..."

"Put..." Nana kissed my cheek walking back. "That's why!"

" me?"

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