When you eat dinner with them - Mukami

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Ruki had invited you to eat dinner with him at a nice restaurant. It was kind of embarrassing, after all this was the first time that Ruki's ever done something like this for you."Um Ruki-kun, I wanted to let you know how thankful I am, for you to bring me over here and all." He just smiled,"Well I thought that it would be nice to stay away from my brothers for a while, and to spend some time alone together." You blushed as you looked way."That's so sweet of you Ruki-kun! I never knew that you had such a sweet side, it's very nice." You both ordered your meals and blushed when you decided to do something bold."Neh Ruki-kun, would you like me to feed you some of my food from my plate-!?" He leaned up and gave you a kiss."Livestock should never keep there guard down, especially when in front of their Master." You blushed and nodded,"I apologize, Master. I promise to never do it again-Mhn?" Ruki quickly stuffed some of his food inside your mouth."Didn't I just warn you about doing that?" You blushed and nodded as you kept your guard up for the rest of the date.
Kou was begging you to make his favorite meal all week long. This was probably the millionth time that he's asked you to make this meal. The bad thing was that you were sick in bed. Ruki had already told Kou not to bother you to make dinner or anything like that. As you were napping in bed you heard a knock."M~Neko~chan! The Idol Kou-kun has come to take care of his precious little kitten." He opened the door either way. You smiled,"Oh I'm sorry Kou-kun, for being a bother and all! But you didn't have buy me dinner." He smiled as set up the meal,"That doesn't matter! Today I'll be taking care of my kitten and that is all! Now open up~" You open your mouth as he began to feed you,"Thank you so much Kou-kun! Is there anything I can do in order to thank you-" He fed you again,"Well once you get better, will you make me my favorite dish?" You nodded,"I promise I will!" He whispered in your ear,"And don't forget when you feel even better, to reward me fully." You blushed and nodded while he kept feeding you.
This was probably the fifth time today that you've made the same meal. Yuma was sick and tired of eating the same food every day. It even came to a point that you could not even stand it."Oi Sow we're going to get some take out. I'm sick and tired of eating the same stupid meal that Idol likes." You nodded as you were so happy to not be eating the same old pasta."Thanks so much Yuma-kun! You don't even know how thankful I am for you taking me out of that mess!" He just sighed and ruffled your hair,"It's nothing, I'm just glad to eat something else! Not even Ruki or Azusa can handle eating the same food again! Just the other day I saw Azusa crying over eating the same meal everyday." You giggled as you guys quickly picked up the meal. You guys secretly shared the meal with Azusa and Ruki. Yuma invited you to eat with him in his room."Oi Sow?" You looked at him and nodded,"Give me some of that." Yuma pointed at your meal and you smiled."Sure Yuma-kun! Open up wide!" He just sighed and blushed."You know (Y/N) I'm a man and I want to be treated like one." You blushed,"Oh I'm sorry would you'd you like me to stop?" He blushed and looked to the side,"Tch! I never did say for you to stop." You smiled and ruffled his hair,"Whatever you say Yuma-kun."
You were so bored and hungry. This was one of the longest days of studying. You couldn't take it anymore! Then out of nowhere Azusa hugged you from behind,"Um..excuse..me (Y/N-san)..*blushes*...would you like to take a break?.....I just wanted to....invite you for some ice cream.." You nodded and smiled,"Yes! I would like that very much!" He took your hand and took you to an ice cream stand. You actually were kinda scared, since Azusa choose a very interesting flavor of ice cream."Um Azusa-kun, are you sure that you're okay with eating that?" He smiled as he put the ice cream in front of you."Neh (Y/N-san), would you like to share with me?" You blushed,"Um No thanks I'm completely fine. But wouldn't you like to share with me instead?" He blushed and nodded,"Thank (Y/N-san), you're too kind. I actually like being this close to (Y/N-san) may we please do this more often?" You nodded as you shared your ice cream with him.

A/N-Yass! I did it! Hey leave a comment, if you want me to write a Tsukinamis story as well. Okay?❤️Bye❤️~SailorCats 😺

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