5. Cocky

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I was woken up by my alarm clock. It was 10 o'clock and I was going to begin my day with studying. Then after that I planned on studying some more. I'll take a break for dinner and then study again after. I don't really want to go to the game. Well, I do, but I can't.

I kind of felt bad for Tyler though. Jamie made it pretty clear that he wants to see me tonight. I fell asleep with Jamie's words in my head, "he was pretty bummed out the first time you didn't show up".  But, what was the point in going to meet him. He's obviously not looking to be friends. It seems like he's looking for a hook up, I doubt he wants a relationship. Either way it wouldn't work. A hook up would distract me from my classes and a relationship wouldn't last. I plan on moving to New York to get my masters degree. It's only a year and a half away and Tyler constantly travels for hockey. It just wouldn't work out. I just have to stay focused on my plan, my dream.

I picked up my books and tried to study but, I couldn't focus. I picked up my laptop and opened to Google. In the search bar, I typed in 'Tyler Seguin'. I read a lot about his past in Boston and how he's changed since then. Then I start to get into details about hockey. Before I know it, an hour has passed and I haven't reviewed anything. Why is Tyler Seguin still stuck in my head?

It's now 11 o'clock. I decided to go down to the cafeteria on campus and get an early lunch. I bring my books with me, hoping to study.

After about an hour and a half of studying Brielle sits down next to me in the cafeteria. "So, are you excited for tonight or what?" She asked "Bri I'm sorry, but I can't go. I haven't gotten Seguin or Benn out of my head. There is no way I can give them any more of the time...I need to spend my time studying." I pleaded. "No absolutely not. You can't study until you go to sleep. Cramming isn't good. You will need a break by tonight. So study all day and then we will go to the game." She tried to convince me. "Maybe, but I doubt I will go. And I'm not cramming, I'm reviewing!" I turned down her idea. "You are going to stress yourself out way too much. So 'review' for the rest of the day. We will go out at night. You can't let the poor, gorgeous boy down...again!" She continued to argue. "Fine! Maybe... Only if you leave me alone to focus for the rest of the day" I reasoned. "Okay, good. Be ready at 5:30. And don't forget to wear the Seguin jersey" she insisted. "Whatever"



There was an obnoxious knock on my dorm room door. I got up quickly to answer it. "Are you almost ready?" My best friend yelled. "Um.. I don't think I'm going. I need to get an A on this exam" I stated. Her jaw dropped and she just started at me. She walked in and closed all my books. Brielle walked over to my closet and took out the jersey and threw it at me. "Put this on! You are way to stressed. Let's go have some fun. If you stress any more you won't sleep. Then you won't do good on the exam." I sighed, knowing she was right, and pulled the jersey over my head. I threw on some mascara, lip gloss and straightened my hair.

"Okay, let's go! I give up! If I study I'll stress and if I don't study I'll stress...so I guess I should just try to have fun" I finally gave in.


Tyler's POV

For the first time in a long time, I'm nervous for tonight's game. I don't even know if Bella is coming. If she does come she might avoid me. I don't even know why she rejected me in the first place. I'm just going to play my game as usual. Hopefully I don't mess up. I just want to impress her.

My new teammate Patrick Sharp walked into the locker room and must have noticed that I'm nervous. "What's bothering you, man?" He questioned. "I don't know. Nothing...I guess. I'll be fine" I responded but I knew what was bothering me. "Okay, calm down. Go out there and do what you love" he walked over to his stall to get ready for the game.

That's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to go out there and just play hockey.


Back to Bella's  POV

"And we are back" Brielle said as we sat in the same seats as Saturday night.

I was excited for the game but nervous to see Tyler. I felt like I had to pee. Did my hair look okay? "Bri I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'll be back in 5 minutes" I told her. "Okay hurry back the game is going to start"

I ran to the bathroom. Then I stopped to look in the mirror. I made sure my hair was good and put on some more lip gloss. I ran back to my seat and made it just as the lights went off. The players began to skate out.

I spotted Tyler immediately. He really was gorgeous. There was something about him that I really liked. It wasn't just his good looks or the fact that he was an NHL player. I wanted to know where his determination on the ice came from or the meaning of his tattoos. What am I thinking? Just a few days ago I didn't know a thing about hockey or who Tyler Seguin even was. Nothing will ever happen between us. Why am I even getting the idea of something happening between us?

By the end of the first period the score was 2-0, Chicago. The Stars seemed to be really frustrated. During the second Tyler scored with an assist from Jordie Benn. As he celebrated he looked straight at me with a big smile and a wink. But, the Blackhawks answered with another goal. Ending the second period 3-1.

At the beginning of the third period Tyler pointed at me before sitting. He mouthed 'locker room' and sat down. He turned back around to give me one of his smirks, then turned back to the ice. "Cocky" I thought to myself.

"Bell we have to go to the locker room! We can make it quick. Just to see what they want. At least just to let them know we can talk to them after your last midterm" she begged "Fine...okay. Only because he scored that goal." I laughed

The 3rd period ended and the Stars lost 4-2. The second goal was scored by Patrick Eaves assisted by Jamie Benn.

As the crowd started to leave Jamie looked toward us and waved for us to go over to him. Through the glass he was able to tells us to meet us in the parking lot in a half hour. There were way too many fans waiting outside of the locker room.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom? I have to fix my make up and we have time to kill." Brielle asked me. "Yea sure lets go" I said

By the time we got to the bathroom, waited on line and finished fixing our makeup 25 minutes had passed. To get to the parking lot we would have to take the elevator down a 2 levels. The arena seemed to clear out pretty quickly. We got in the elevator and waited for it to go down.

It stopped at the level below us. When the doors opened Tyler and Jamie were standing right there. They stepped into the elevator and Brielle's jaw dropped. Meanwhile Jamie and Tyler's faces both lit up.


Okay so they are all meeting in an elevator...that's not awkward.

But they are finally meeting!! So what is going to happen between Bella and Tyler? What about Brielle and Jamie??

Btw I have up to chapter 11 written. A lot of drama is coming your way

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