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Chloe POV
"Oh my gosh Paige" I laugh as Paige stuffs our appetizers into her purse.
"Shhhhhh" she says for only actually being serious.
"Ok but if the cops ask wasn't here" I mock.
"Well no breadsticks from my purse for you" she says.
I laugh. Paige sure does love her food. Then I hear the restaurant door open. I look up.
"Paige look" I say nodding my head in that general direction.
She finally look up from stuffing her face from our main course that just got here. Her eyes widen.
"It is..."
The 4 boys that just walked in are , Miley Evans, Gino Coscullua, Lucas Triana and Ricky Garcia. The cutest boys at our school. Lucas walk over to Us.
"Well hello lady's" he says.
"Hiiiii" Paige says. Is she drooling?!
I don't say anything. I just sit there and run my fingers through my hair. I was fine without a boyfriend. Girl like that are just so needy. Except Paige. She loves boys. But she is my best friend so I guess I am stuck with her. But I love her.
"We should go" I tell Paige.
"Noooooo" she whines.
"Paige" I say sternly.
"No" she says crossing her arms like 4 year old.
Josh Hyland look over at us like we are crazy.
I give her the death glare.
"Fine" she finally agrees.
Yeeeeeeesssss I finally get to go hooooooome.

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