Chapter 6

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Dizzy and nauseous. That's all I feel.
"Are you ok?" Brooke asks.
"What happened to me?" I say not answering her question.
"You passed out you were dead for 2 minutes."
I gawk at her not knowing what to say. I feel alive but I feel dead. I feel dead on the inside but I know I am alive. You can't be alive and in heaven right?
"I will leave you and your sarcasm alone for a while" Brooke backs out of the room.
I try sleeping. It is to bright in heaven to sleep so I think about try to catch my attempted murder.
If only I could replay the day of the crime. If only...
Wait that magic door maybe it can time travel.
I get out of bed and open the door. There sits Brooke reading a book in a chair.
" I have an idea"
Sorry for the short chapter more on the way!!!!!!!

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