Chapter 5

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I awake to find myself in a bright white room and a girl with white feathery wing on her back standing in front of me.
"Hi I'm Brooke." She waves.
"W-where am I!" I look around panicking.
"Your fine. Your in heaven." She says like she say it everyday. " well not completely..." She zones off.
"Relax. You just have to find your killer before you can and if you acually die. " she says.
" wait I'm not dead?" I ask dazaly.
"Just in a coma. Half-Dead." She look at me like I am supposed to understand.
"Let's just go" I say.
Wow I am cranky in heaven. Plot twist man.
We walk up to a door.
"Crash sight." She yells at the door.
When she opens it a bright light comes pouring out. Like it need to get any brighter.
"You 1st"
When I step through the portal I see chaos.
6 ambulances, police cars and I wreckage in the middle of the road.
"Well this is pleasant." I say.
She just gives me a look.

I run up to one of the stretchers. Ricky. I feel tears stinging my eyes. What have I done.
"It's not your fault." Brooke says rubbing my back.
" I know but..." I trail off.
" why don't we visit the hospital?" She suggests.
"Sure I can go see my best friend suffer and see my half dead body start to shut down. Why not?" I say.
Before I could make another sarcastic comment we wisked away to the hospital.
When I see Paige in a bed. Head wrapped in a cloth. Once perfect curls now bloody and oily.
We walk further down the hall. I see mikeys Once muscular body now looking limp and weak.
I walk into the room. On the right I see Lucas. Before the crash he had a smile plastered on his face at all times. Even now he has some speck of a smile.
Hope build up inside of me.
On the left I see Gino. A cast on his arm and a giant cut running down his face blood seeping out of it.
When I get to the last room I break down. Jojo is in the corner a bow ripped and shattered on her head.
Kenzie on the other side of the room. The dress that she wore was blood stained and ripped.
Then it came. The tears. The sorrow.
I sat in the middle. Asleep. I looked so peaceful. Like nothing could disturb me. Then I start twiching the monitor starts beeping I feel.........


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