Chapter 10

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I woke up around 9 and saw Tage wasn't next to me. My wold lightly whimpered. Good. I can have some space. I got up and went down to the kitchen. To my surprise there was a table full of breakfast and a shirtless Tage by the stove cooking bacon.

My eyes almost popped out of my head. He can cook?! Oh my, he's trying to kill me. I stared at his back still shocked.
"You know instead of staring at me, you could eat." He said without looking at me.

I scowled. There he goes to ruin my little moment.
"I wasn't staring. I was just in shock that you can cook." I said sitting down in a chair. There was a full buffet.

He turned as he put the cooked bacon on a plate. "Of course. I'm not a useless man. I don't hire maids for anything." He sat down in front of me and started digging in. I did the same.

"So you're saying you can clean too?" I teased. He nodded his head.
"Today some of my pack members are packing your stuff. Your mother informed me she packed your clothes and anything else she could."

I nodded my head. Today is my last day. Wow. I can't believe I'm finally leaving this place. But then again, I don't want to start over at a new pack. Holy shit, a pack I would have to be a Luna. I'm not good with lovey dovey shit.

This is going to be harder than I thought.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked while taking a bite full of waffles.
"That I have to start over in a new pack." I wasn't going to tell him I was nervous on being a Luna.

"Don't worry. Despite how I am, my pack is the complete opposite. They will welcome you in open arms."
"So basically they will like me more seeing as I'm stuck with you for a mate and feel sorry for me?" I grinned.

He growled. "No. I have some business to take care of with both packs. I will be back later."
"Aye aye captain." I said continuing eating. He got up and disappeared upstairs. I finished eating my food and put away and washed all the dishes.

Now what do I do? I went to the living room and turned on the TV. Awkward? Sure. After a few minutes of watching, I heard my phone ring. I went upstairs and got my phone from the table side and answered it going downstairs to sit on the couch.

Donny:"Hey babe! How's it going?"
Me:"Donny! Boy am I glad to hear from you. It's been okay. Hows it been going so far?" Donny:"It's going alright. We're getting closer. Right now we have a few hours off. What you been up to?"

I wanted to tell him, I really did. But I didn't want to tell him like this. But then again, I was leaving tomorrow.
Me:"Oh you know here and there."
Donny:" That's good, oh what was it you wanted to tell me the other time?"

Come on now, just spit it out.
Me:" Oh, well um. I'm going to the Night shade pack for um... Some business. I'm going to be there a while."
Donny:" Oh, really? Are you sure, I mean I'm glad they sent you, but into that pack out of all of them?"

I nodded but then realized he couldn't see me. Me:" Ya, I mean I heard the pack is really great, it's just their alpha." I gritted out. I hate lying to him. And I don't know why I can't tell him! I tell him everything.

Donny:" Oh I see. Well please be safe, I will call you again as soon as I can. Love you babe." Me:"Please be safe too, and I love you too Donny. Bye."
I hung up and set my phone down.
"So Donny's no one huh?"

He growled out. I turned around to see Tage in a suit and his eyebrows together, with his hands clenched by his sides. If it weren't for that I would have been drooling an ocean seeing him in a suit.
"Have you been there the whole time?"

"Since you answered the phone." What a creep, can't I ever get privacy?
"I can't like ever have my own, I don't know, privacy?" I snapped sarcastically.

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