Chapter 3

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My mom had finished making dinner and we were all sitting down eating.
"So my mom told us about this bet you guys had about me and Donny."

Her eyes went wide as we all looked at her. "Well you see, I was hoping that Donny would be the lucky guy to be with you." I chuckled.
"It's alright. But the bet is over." She sighed.

"Darn it. I was really looking forward to that trip." We all laughed and continued eating. Once we finished we all cleaned up and said our goodbyes. I hugged and kissed my mom goodnight while I went up to my room.

I laid down and sighed while staring at the ceiling. I started thinking of the random questions like "What am I doing with my life?" Or "Why am I here?" And "Why do things happen to me?"

I ran my hand down my back and mid thighs feeling the familiar scars. I turned on my side pushing away the memories.

I heard the front door open and my dad come upstairs to his room. I heard faint talking of my mom and him. Darn sound proof walls. I sighed as they quieted down. I turned again and fell asleep.


I woke up feeling groggy. I slowly changed into my workout clothes and went down to the kitchen. I sat down while mumbling a good morning to my parents.

I got a plate if breakfast and began eating.
"Are you ready for the ball tomorrow?" My mom asked. Shit. Its already tomorrow?
"Not really. Just want to get it over with." "Today we're going to push it so get ready." My dad said while eating.

Great. Just peachy. I just nodded my head while I continued eating. I finished my plate and washed it while following my dad to the field.

*few hours later*

I sat on the floor while panting and breathing hard. I wiped my sweaty forehead. Man, I can't remember the last time I actually worked out hard. I'm pretty sure I ran at least 30 miles.

Donny sprawled next to me breathing hard too. "I have never worked that hard in my life." He nodded in agreement. He got up as he pulled me up with him.

"Gosh, you smell."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Well you don't smell like a garden of flowers either." I scoffed.
"I at least smell better than you." He rolled his eyes.

"Janis, come on. We're going home." My dad yelled out. I know that tone. He wants to talk. Surprisingly he's not pissed, but he probably will be. I groaned.
"Laters Donny."
"Bye babe."

I went up to my dad as we walked home. Once we got there I tried to make a break for it.
"Ah ah ah. Wait young lady. We're going to talk."

There it is. I mentally groaned and turned around to face him. I saw my mom come in, with how tense it was in the room, I'm sure she knew it was one of those days. I looked at her with pleading eyes.

My dad cut her off.
"I'm sorry honey but I need to talk with her." He went upstairs as I followed him to his office. He sat down on his chair while I sat my usual spot on the mini couch.

Let the lecture begin.
"I'm sure you're aware that the nightshade pack is coming." I nodded.
"You also know the 'stories' and you know how we haven't heard from them in while." Ohh.

So this is what he wants to talk about. I stood up. "Don't worry dad. I won't embarass you. You can keep your 'perfect image'." I spit out. He let out a exaggerated sigh.

"Let me talk Janis! Sit down." I growled lowly and sat down. I had to pick my battles. But this is my dad we're talking about. A warrior, a person who demands respect and submission.

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