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I got into the empty dance classroom . Nobody was there and it was so quiet I could hear my rhythmic breath . I wasn't the best student in the dance class , I could admit I was the last . I stopped this thought . No ! I wasn't going to give up . I were going to fight until the very last moment . I was going to try to be a good dancer because no matter what you loved this .

The teacher and all the others hadn't come yet and I was happy for this . It was my chance for a little practice . I went to the corner and took off my shoes . With small deliquette movements I tied my pointe shoes to your feet . Those shoes were the best and the worst thing in the world . I had no balance on them at all but those little moments I archived something you felt like flying , this eternal feeling of freedom .

I took the phone out of my bag with hands shaking and I preessed the first song on my playlist " Only hope " . I put my phone on the floor and I wished that nobody would come for a few minutes . I took a deep breath and I heard the first notes of the song . I started taking some unsure steps on my pointers shoes . I bourred till the other side of the classroom and I started swirling faster and faster till my eyes caught the sight of his . These beautiful blue like the ocean eyes of this boy . I knew him . He was the top of our class and was the greatest mind I have ever met . His hair was black like coal . He had a strange kind of beauty .He could tell anything about anyone just by looking at him . I could understand the way he did this but it was really hard . Unlike him I didn't see anything .His eyes were reading me like an open book .

I froze . All my body felt limb . I was scared of anyone watching me dance and fear , this swirling thing that grabbed my heart made my dancing worse . I didn't want him to know about all this but many he has already deduced it .

He scoped his mouth and spoke to me . His ice blue eyes looking through me " Why did you stop? " he silently said with the music still playing on the background .

I couldn't explain him all this . I just didn't wanted everyone to think that I was scared , that I was weak .

He stepped towards we and did an excellent triple pirouette offering me his hand . Shanking I took his and did a perfect arabesque en pointe like never before . He approached his mouth to my ear and whispered " You shouldn't be afraid . You are an awsome dancer and as the music faded his lips pressed lightly against mine . I closed my eyes and let myself feel everything 

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