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I tucked my hair behind my ears and took off running. I jumped over the rock in front of me. I was cold tired and ready to get out of here. I saw the end of the forest only a couple of feet in front of me. Ugh so close! Suddenly I fell and landed on my stomach. Crap! "If this was real you would be dead!" Clara said. "Thanks for the support friend."I said smiling at her. She started laughing. "Well are you gonna help me up?"I asked sarcastically. She smiled and helped me up. As soon as I stood up I was face to face with general jongin. "Sir!"I said stiffening my body and saluting. "At ease!"he said. I relaxed my body and looked at him. "Amazing job leejoon! You need to work on being more aware."he said smiling. "Thank you sir!"I said nodding. He nodded back and walked away. "Wow he is so gorgeous!"Clara said. "Ugh Clara stop that's weird. "I said with my hands on my hips. She smiled and said sorry. I pulled her along out the forest and onto the base. I jogged to my room and instantly hopped in the shower. I washed the mud off of my body and scrubbed anything else off. The hot water soothed the pain on my acing body.

I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I better get to sleep, another day of military camp waiting for me tomorrow.

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