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I pulled up one more time and tried to go on but failed when I fell to the floor. I let out a cry when I fell into the mud. I got up and tried again. "Leejoon you don't have to keep doing it you did enough."General jongin said pulling me back down. "I have too, or i won't master it!"I yelled getting ready to pull up again. "No! You are in the top rank here, you've done enough."he said pulling back down. I huffed in frustration and saluted him. "Go get cleaned up and go to the cafeteria and eat something, you've been out here all day. You need food to survive too!"he said pulling down my arm and smiling. I nodded and ran to my room.

I put on a new tank top and some jeans. I combed my hair down and jogged to the cafeteria. When I walked in everyone stood up and saluted. I hid in my smile and saluted back and walked down the aisle. "At ease!"I yelled. Everyone relaxed and continued at what they were doing. A group of girls stared holes into me as I walked bye. Jealous! Wow that's nice. I grabbed a sandwich and a coke and sat at an empty table. As soon as I took a bite of my sandwich a group of people sat around me. I looked around and they were all smiling and staring at me bug eyed. I let out a small laugh and took another bite of my sandwich. They continued to stare at me. "Can I help you?"I said with my sandwich still in my mouth. They all began talking and fangirling. I ignored them and drunk my coke quickly. I threw my stuff in the trash and walked back up the aisle heading for the doors. I fell to the floor and felt something wet and sticky. I looked up and seen Melisa Jones smirking at me. "Oops!"she said laughing. Her group joined her but the rest of the room was silent and staring in shock. I got up and grabbed her by her hair and raised my arm to punch her. I went for her face but stopped when my arm was held back. "Ugh jongin sir don't you have......"I froze when I saw his face. It was Jason sung(or j.s.)! "Let her go its not worth it."he said looking into my eyes. I sighed and let her go. "Do it again Jones and I'l make sure you get the night shift!" I yelled getting in her face. Jason pulled me back and gestured for me to follow him. I gave Melisa a death glare and followed him.

I dried my hair off with the towel Jason gave me. Everyone loves Jason! He almost has the same ranking as me. And plus he's hot....and Korean,like me. "Komsahabnida Jason."I said bowing. He bowed back and smiled. Someone knocked on the door and opened it. "Hello Jason and Jace."jongin said. "Hey what's up?"I said standing up. "You guys wanna do a mission?"he asked smiling. We both nodded and waited for him to go on. "Well there has been some intruders in Beijing China, as you know one of are bases is located there. So just go there and see what's going on."he said. We both nodded and smiled like kids on Christmas morning.

Beijing China

I looked over at Jason and he looked at me. We pointed our guns at the entrance and I nodded. He counted to three and we both kicked the door down. There was chaos meeting us. I shot a enemy soldier and ran to are objective. Jason joined me and opened the door. It was quiet.....to quiet. We slowly walked through the small building pointing are guns every way. "All clear!"Jason yelled. I relaxed and put my gun in my holster. As soon as I did that I got punched in my arm and grabbed. I hit them in the stomach with my elbow until he doubled over in pain. I spin-kicked him in the head knocking him out cold. I looked over at Jason who just finished off his attacker. "I thought you said it was all clear!"I yelled with a smile. "I did!"he said smiling back. I pulled my gun back out and took the lead. I opened the door and we both went in shooting and killing any enemies. There were two operatives tied to chair's,gagged and sweating. We untied them. And helped them up. "We will go get the rest of the team,you guys can go ahead and we will meet you back at HQ!"one of the operatives said. I nodded and wished them good luck before heading out the door. We took the back path so we could stay out of trouble and save ammo. We eventually. reached HQ. We walked in and was met by lots of people and a lot of technology. I put my gun in my holster and started walking. Wow there's not this much technology at the base! We were met by a women who was wearing black pants and a shirt with are logo on it. "Please follow me."she said turning around and walking. We followed her into a large room. "Welcome to HQ!"a Chinese man said approaching us. "Im general Jung."he said holding out his hand. We both shook it. "Hello Jung sir, my name is jace and this is....... "I know who you are!" he said bowing. We bowed back and smiled. "OK! So we have been having issues with intruders for a week now. We have no idea who they are or why there here."!he said putting his hands behind his back. "Sir we have intruders on the base!"a women said out of breath. Before he could speak the room shook. I ran out holding my gun up and pushing the employees to the back. "Jason I got this side!"I said yelling to Jason down the hall. He nodded and left. I ran down the hall and saw a women leaning against the wall coughing. "Are you okay ma'am?!"I asked helping her up. She nodded and thanked me. Someone shot at us but missed. "Go! Go!"I yelled pushing her down the hall. I shot back at the guy almost hitting him. He shot back and missed again. I aimed again and so did he. A bullet came flying into my shoulder. I held it as blood gushed out. "Ah!" I yelled. I took a deep breath and shot him in the head. I ran down the hall to the main hall. There was smoke everywhere. Screams and gunfire filled the air. I ducked a little and covered my mouth. The smoke was so thick I couldn't see two feet in front of me. I stood up and as soon as I did I got kicked in the stomach. I fell to the floor and crawled around the person. He didn't see me because of the fog. I ran down the hall and till I got to the staircase. I leaned against the glass as I aimed my gun at the bottom. I walked quickly down the steps and stepped under them. "Jason I made it safely to the main floor. But I'm injured."I said looking down at my bloody arm. "Okay I will be there soon and keep pressure on it."he said. I took a towel out of my pocket and held it up to my wound. I flinched when it came in contact with my skin. I held it there and sighed. I heard gunfire and screams. I don't know if it was because I'm losing a lot of blood or the smoke but I became dizzy. I closed my eyes giving up on the fight against dizziness.

Jason POV

I ran down the hall not knowing where I was going. Where are the-----. I tripped and fell and rolled down what felt like stairs. I reached the bottom and got up instantly. I saw jace on the floor unconscious! I rushed to her side. "Jace! Wake up!"I said shaking her. Her eyes popped open causing me to sigh in relief. "Jason,I was just sleeping!"she said glaring at me. "You shouldn't sleep on the job." I said standing up. She glared at me holding out her hand. "Can you at least help me up?"she said smiling again. I nodded and helped her up. "Okay lets go jace we can finish our exchange of sarcasm later." I said getting back into my 'fighting stance'.

Jace POV

I grabbed my gun and followed Jason out the front door.....well what was left of it. As soon as we got outside it was just like it was inside. "Jace I'm gonna call backup and the medical team!"he said looking at me. I nodded and looked at my shoulder. This side of town had chaos but the other side was hell on earth. I protected Jason from any one that attacked us while he called to HQ. He helped me fight them off and we moved to a dark alleyway. "You okay ?"he asked. I nodded and looked down the alley. I saw a figure. It got closer and closer. "Jason!"I yelled grabbing his arm. It stepped into the light............General jongin!!! "Oh thank god you scared me to death!"I said sighing in relief. I walked up to him and saluted. He pulled out his gun making me tense. He aimed it at me and smirked. "Jongin?" I asked shaking. "Don't be scared jace, its just your time."he said putting his finger on the trigger.

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