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This should have been part of the other chapter but I will worry about that when It comes time to go ahead and edit. Enjoy this small look at the new story :) Love to you all, ~Zanintia


I spat bitterly, wrinkling my nose at the putrid smell that surrounded me. The town had been destroyed before I had made it, and there were no signs of life to be found. Smoke billowed out of wrecked cars, and dead bodies in varying states of decay littered the streets. 

Kicking one aside, I lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. Obviously, the rioters I had been following had already passed through. 

Putting one foot up, I pulled of my sunglasses while taking another deep drag. 

The wind was the only thing in my ears now, blowing my long hair out of my face and carrying the disgusting scents away from my suffering nose. 

Flicking my cigarette away, I stood up, the only sound the clack of my boots against the sidewalk. 

Every car I passed was either on fire, crashed, or simply not working. I tried to hotwire multiple models, from an old Volkswagon to a brand new Corvette, but none worked. 

Then, a huge building made itself visible from over a hill, the black glass gleaming in the burning sun. 


A small smirk made its way to my lips, and I couldn't help but allow a bitter laugh to escape. 

Putting the ignition wires together was rather easy, so I was able to adjust my leather jacket and shift the thing into gear. 

She was a beauty, an Iron 883 with silver spokes. I ran my hand over the smooth saddlebags, and preceded to fill them with my equipment. Lighter, water bottles,  Marlboros, First Aid Kit, pistols, ammunition, pocketknife, and most importantly, duct tape. One of the most useful things in a post-apocalyptic warzone that was once called Earth...

The bike came to life, coughing black smoke from the exaust as I screeched out of the parking lot., the window shattering behind me as I threw an empty bottle at it. 

With the desolate town behind me, I drove off into the desert, dust devils left swirling behind me. 

This town was finished, and my head began to throb as the bike roared in my ears. 


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