Chapter 1

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^^^Lexies daggers^^^ (not my picture)

The song just feels appropriate to me for this whole thing...

Lexies POV

The man didn't have time to scream when I slit his throat with my dagger. I pushed his corpse down the balcony and waited until I heard the satisfying thud of a dead body. This is the usual routine, same thing every week. Receive a job, head out, complete the job, report back to HQ. Repeat. I can only hope to get an interesting job one of these days.

I am almost to Level 10. I could make my father proud. Although, he is dead. I killed him when I was 6. I started walking towards HQ to rest for a day, then get a new job. A gang of men come out of an alleyway. I've been waiting for them to show themselves- Oh joy. More people to kill. I think I'll take one and torture him later.

"Well, well, look what we have here boys".

I assume he's the leader of this pathetic "gang". Just by looking I can tell him and his men are weak.

"Give us everything you have and we might spare your life". This man is well built, but still weak. I sighed,

"Sorry guys, I have things to do, places to go. You catch my drift? Good. We could do this two ways," I pulled out my daggers.

"One, you could all surrender to me, and die peacefully, or, you could try and fight me, and die gruesome, horrific deaths." 

They laughed.

THEY LAUGHED AT ME. They have no idea what they have just awoken. The thing that angers me the most is when people doubt my strength. They then muttered something about how tiny and fragile I am. I felt my bloodlust start seeping through my pores. Screw sparing one, they will all die.

"What did you just say?" I could sense their fear as they heard the calm, yet dangerous tone of my voice.

"S-Stop that! Back up!" The leader stuttered and pulled out a gun. Ha! He's so weak it's hilarious.

"I'll shoo-" He didn't have time to finish as I stabbed him twice. Once in the heart, the other in the back of his head. The other men pulled out their weapons, but none of them had time to do anything. 3 seconds later, they were all dead.

I really need to break my habit of killing people...Nah, just kidding.

I pull out my phone to check the time, and I have 5 messages. No one texts me.

Unknown Number-

Hello Lexie :)

You're probably wondering who I am.

Well, if you want to find out...

Come to the abandoned warehouse on 5th avenue at 11 P.M. 

Also, if you don't come, I'll kill your brother Steven.

Ha! I'm not going. I could care less about my brother. He's Level 2 scum. He's already 7, and only on Level 2. It's pitiful. When I was seven, I was on Level 6. Compared to me, when he's 16 (like me) he will be on Level 4. He should just be sacked already. I'll just continue on my way. Whoever sent that obviously didn't know much about me. I'll wait till tomorrow to see if it was a bluff or not.


I walked in the NAA building and was instantly bombarded by lower level assassins. Jeez, for assassins, they're really loud. And really annoying.

"Did you hear??"

"Yeah, her brother was taken!"

"Lexie! Steven was kidnapped!!"



"SHUT UP!" I screamed. I was already in a bad mood, this doesn't help in the least.

"Why are all of you acting familiar with me, your superior?" I sneered.

"Ms. Clearwater... U-Um, your younger brother, Steven- Mr. Clearwater was kidnapped..." a Level 3, scrawny girl said. Hm. She's brave. Maybe I'll train her later, she shows potential.

"Miss-?" I asked.

"Clara, Ma'am"

"Miss Clara, did you think that I didn't know this? Did any of you think that I didn't know this?" I asked in a scary, calm voice.

"Well, uh, we assumed that you didn't, since you were out on a job." Clara said.

"Well, you all assumed wrong."

"We apologize ma'am, but, what exactly is your plan to get him back?" A different Level 3 said.

"Get him back? Ha! I could care less about that weakling. For all I care, he could die." I exclaimed.

They all look at me in disbelief and anger.

"How could you not care?!" an obnoxious boy shouted.

"He's your brother! Do you have any sense of heart?"

"Listen kid, you don't know anything about me, or my past."

I stormed past them to my room, leaving a flabbergasted group of rookies. I change my clothes and go to bed with my daggers under my pillow.


Sooo? What do ya think? I wasn't quite sure about this one. But I actually have some kind of a plan for this book, although I am open to suggestions for the storyline.


Constructive Criticism~




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