Chapter 2

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Lexies POV

The next morning I woke up to someone knocking on my door. I checked my bedside clock. It's 7:00 AM. They woke me up. At 7 o'clock  in the morning. That's not a proper time to function. Well, maybe when I used to go to school. But I went to college when I was 12. I groan and drag myself out of bed, along with my daggers in my hands. Sluggishly, I make my way to the door and open it. Whoever it is better hope to be prepared.

  The Clara girl from yesterday was at my door. Her eyes are immediately drawn to my daggers in shock and fear.

"What's a Level 3 like you doing here?" I inquire.

"U-um, Ma'am, we have information on your brother. You have been summoned to the Masters office at 8"  She replied, still gazing at my blades.

"And they sent a Level 3 to tell me this?"

"W-well..." Geez, this girl stutters a lot.

"Actually, never mind. I don't have  time for this."  I cut her off. She looked surprised for a moment, but then her face changes to a disappointed look.

Shutting the door in her face, I check the clock again. 7:10. Good. I have more time to sleep. Flopping back into bed, I quickly black out.


I leap out of bed, sweat beads dripping down my face. Another nightmare. 


Shit. I only have ten minutes. I quickly shower, and get dressed. 


I arm myself with my daggers, bow and arrows. I throw my door open and sprint down the hallway of the Level 9 dorms, quickly passing startled lower Level assassins. 

Level 8.

Level 7.

Level 6. 

Level 5.


Level 4.

Level 3.

Level 2.

Level 1.


I dash to the Masters office door and halt. I make it look like I didn't just sprint 3 miles in five minutes. I'm about to knock on the door when it opens. An assistant shows me in and makes me sit down in front of a desk in a cushy leather chair. It appears that the Master isn't here yet. 

"You're a bit early" the assistant said.

"The meeting is supposed to be at 8:05"

"Really? Wow." I quietly chuckle to myself. The air became thick with my bloodlust. 

"Clara." I whisper. After this I am going to track her down. 

"The Master will be here soon." The assistant cut off my thoughts. The Master. I've only met the Master once. When I first came here, he was the one to welcome me. It was after I killed my father. Before that, my father was always rambling off about Level 10. He seemed so obsessed with it. One day, I asked him about it. He said it had to do with his job. So obviously, as a curious 4 year old, I asked what he did. He told me 

"I'm an assassin". I asked what that is.

 He said "Let me demonstrate". I still remember his cold, insane voice.  That was the day he killed my older sister. Of course, as a tiny child, I was traumatized. I freaked out and stabbed him in the chest. That was my first kill. Ah yes, the good old days.

 Anyway, apparently, he broke some rules. So the master had sent two assassins to kill him. But they arrived just minutes after I killed him. They were astonished at my skill, and took me and my mother to the NAA. We were waiting in a closed off room.

 My mother was shocked and scared, she called me a demon child and tried to come at me with a knife. I almost killed her before the Master came in and stopped me. He introduced me to assassinating people. Told me the basics. Handing me a contract I quickly read it over, I had previously been to an advanced school, so most of it I understood. I signed. Well, in my defense, did I really have anywhere better to go? They provide housing and food. Who could decline that offer?

 I didn't see my mother for a while. In the meantime, the Masters assistants trained me to the fullest. When I reached Level 6, they said I had to train myself from here on out. The next time I saw my mother, was when she gave birth to Steven. She died in childbirth. Just by looking at Steven, I could tell that he was weak. Nothing's changed. 

 Occasionally along the way, people would try to befriend me, but I just ignored them. I have no need for useless company. 

 I heard the door open. 

"Hello Lexie." his voice rang out in the previously quiet room. 

"Hello Master" I bowed my head in respect. 

"Well, no need to be so polite. Relax."  I looked up at the middle aged man in admiration.

I can sense how strong he is. He's surpassed Level 10. No wonder he is the Master.

"Why have you summoned me?" I finally spoke after staring.

"Can't I just have a nice conversation with my favorite assassin?" He asked with a joking tone.

I stayed silent with a bored look.

"Guess not then... Well then. I have information about your brother Steven. The kidnapper(s) sent a video to us."

He pulled down a projector screen and starts a video. It shows my brother Steven, tied in a chair, crying. Wow. I get annoyed just by looking at him. 

I scoff. "Weak."

The Master glances down at me from where he's standing. He doesn't say anything though. Someone in a mask comes up behind him and slits his throat. 

"Dang, they were serious. Hm, oh well. Can I go now?" I ask, feeling no remorse or grief. 

"Not yet. These people are a problem. They infiltrated our HQ and kidnapped one of our own. They hacked our firewall to send the video. They also got your number. Who says they won't strike again? And also, we don't know why they did this." 

"So, what does this have to do with me?" I ask, feeling unknown dread fall upon me.

"Well, I've decided to assemble you with a team. So that we can sort all of this out."

I heard the one word, and froze. Team. 

"What if I refuse?!" I exclaimed suddenly, willing to do anything to stop this plan.

"You can't refuse the Masters orders." He stated with a smirk.  


Rage is all I can feel. My bloodlust poured out of me in waves. 

"You do know that there are more Level 9 assassins, all fighting for a Level 10 position, right?" He asked me, not wiping that annoying smirk off his face.

"Of course I know that. I'm not an idiot." I snap.

"Oh, feisty. Well. Nonetheless, you must. You will meet them tomorrow in Meeting room #4, at noon." 

I can't believe this. 

"Good luck." He finished as he left the office.


Well! Here is Chapter Two.



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