Now you see it

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Things started to get better one step at a time. Shure it took time but we started to get used to it. We had to make some changes to the things we did. Like we can't go rollerblading or dancing. But we can still do some things like......uhh. This is going to be difficult. A couple days down the road he received a call saying that he can get 2 prosthetic legs for a really cheap price. And what I can't believe is that he denied there offer saying "you can't fake legs", I guess he has something against it cause I thought it was a good idea. But he told me that the legs are what make this relationship special. I prospered over that for a while and I realized that if it weren't for my accident with my hearing or his legs we wouldn't be so special. And that is what makes the relationship stronger. So we both realize this and it makes us not realize our problems,its almost like there gone. We are free of our problems when we're with each other.

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