Chapter 6

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"Where am I?"

Mariah asked herself as she curled her body over the silk pillows that were scattered around her, a faint scent of lavender tickling her nose. She carefully rolled from off of her stomach and lay onto her back, gazing up at the looped material that hung loosely above her head, weaving around the smooth wooden log that held the tent upright. She shielded her eyes using the back of her hand for shade, adjusting to the light that seeped through the tiny holes of the cloth-like fabric, slinking into the large space. She gently rested her hands on her stomach as she listened to the faint sound of rustling grass outside. A reflection of green sprawled itself across the cream material, hiding away the shadows of the three figures that stood beside the tent.

She couldn't seem to recall anything that had happened and it hurt to even try. Her head way pounding and a bitter taste was left upon her lips. She cuddled up to the multiple pillows that had been stacked behind her head, slightly elevating her upright. She looked around curiously, already on the verge of throwing up. Her mind was spinning wildly out of control and her thoughts remained ever dizzying. Where was she? How did she end up inside of a tent? Who had brought her? Questions continued to reach her but for now it all seemed of little importance compared to the splintering pain in her head. It was becoming unbearable and worst of all, she knew that she was forgetting something, important.  

However, her mind remained too full from the shocks of late to think of anything else.

Her eyes flickered to the side of her and she was startled to discover that Luka lay sleeping awkwardly beside her. She gasped, craning her neck down to him ever so slightly. He was barely more than an arm's length away from her, laying on a reddish brown blanket that had been placed beneath him. She could see the frown marks on his forehead and on the ridge of his nose rather tempting her to throw a small pillow at him to wake him up.  

How did they both end up there?  

Better question, who had actually brought them? After seeing Luka, she figured that her memories may have started to return to her. Unfortunately, the only thing that popped back into her mind was the walk home she had shared with Luka after a couple of Whist hounds had cornered them at his flat. She pinched her forehead. 

What had happened after that?

She looked over at Luka again who had rolled over onto his side, facing in her direction with his black hair covering his eyes and his arms outstretched like a dog resting beside a fire place. It was weird. It did ease her mind slightly knowing that he was alive and that she hadn't been dreaming. 

She sat up further as she watched the shadows from outside pass by her tent, whispering to each other at the entrance. She tried to listen to their hushed conversation but it was no use. It was clear that that they didn't want to be overheard and she was determined to find out why.

A moment later and a tall and slender figure emerged into the tent, approaching her gracefully as though she walked on air. It took Mariah quite awhile to scroll her eyes up the long white coloured dress to reach the face of the stranger and she was startled by the sheer beauty looking upon her softly. She couldn't help holding her mouth agape in utter awe. She was stunning. Angelic with large fawn like eyes and dark pink iris's that glittered against the pale white tent, outlined by her thick curling eyelashes. The woman bent down to her slightly, holding a sweet smile.

"I apologize for the inconvenience." She said, placing her hands on her knees alongside the slit in her dress. Her long brown hair tumbled over her shoulders, smoothing against her cheeks.  

Mariah said nothing, fascinated by the feathery bounce of her hair. The woman quickly steered herself upright, lowering her gaze at her whilst she stroked her arm with her rose painted nails. Her eyes drifted down to Luka who was sprawled across the floor beside her slender legs. She paused at him, assessing his peculiar position. Mariah suspected it also appeared a bit odd to her. She shook her head at him and then turned back to her, tossing Mariah a dazzling smile that hid her fa\u00e7ade well. 

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