Chapter 2

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A/N ___ means Y/n I get lazy.

"That bug injected Neko-youkai blood into ____." Miroku was as puzzled as Inuyasha was at first. "So? Whats the problem?" Kaede turned back at ___. "She will become a Neko-hanyou. Her ears are already gone." Kaede pointed to where her ears were and then to the two furry lumps growing on her head. Miroku frowned. "Why is Inuyasha so worried?" Kaede turned back to Miroku. "I think he is worried that ___ will be mad at him for what happened." Miroku nodded. "Or maybe....he is worried what happened to him as a kid might happen to her, he is most likely mad at himself for letting this happen...." Kaede nodded. "Yes, I never thought about that, Inuyasha knows that ___ will most likely not be mad at him for this, that is why he is being so hard on him self......" Miroku nodded. "Come child let us leave her to rest, she will most likely want privacy when she wakes." Kaede stood up, grabbed Miroku and dragged him from the hut.

Inuyasha leapt threw the trees trying to get as far away from the village, no matter what happened, he HAD to find Myoga, and as right on que a tiny voice could be heard falling towards him. "Master Inuyasha! I found you!" Inuyasha stopped on a tree branch."Myoga! we have to get back! you have to suck ___'s blood!" Myoga was puzzled for a moment? "Why Inuyasha?" Inuyasha explained to Myoga what had happened earlier, how the bug bit ___ and injected Neko-youkai blood into her. "Tsk-tsk Inuyasha you have no need to worry, she would only become a hanyou if she had any trace of youkai from her family, you have no need to worry, and even so her mother or father would still have had to be a youkai for her to become even a hanyou, a far off relative and she would only get claws or fangs." Inuyasha let out his breath. "The tiny amount of blood injected into ___ would not change a human, the bug would of had to be as big as Kirara!" Inuyasha nearly hugged the flea....even though that would be extremely hard to do......."Alright Myoga, lets go back and tell Kaede!" Inuyasha rushed back to the hut, but was not prepared for what he saw. ___, who was still passed out on the ground, had ears......well no duh she had ears....but they were H/c cat ears.....sitting atop her head.....he bent down to further investigate and spotted a black stub sticking out from under the covers, he lifted the covers to find what he had feared.....a long H/c tail. "WHAT THE HELL!" Inuyasha was currently feeling all over his body for Myoga. "YOU SAID SHE WOULDN'T CHANGE!" Myoga popped out of Inuyasha's hair. "No, i merely said if ___ had no youkai heritage she wouldn't change, by the looks of how she changed, she is a hanyou, which means her mother or father must have been a demon." Inuyasha shook his head. "That is not possible, but that doesn't matter right now! What matters is I have ruined her life!" Kaede and Miroku chose that moment to re-enter the hut. "What is going on in here?" Kaede said as she entered. "Myoga over here said __ shouldn't change into a hanyou if her mother or father was not a demon! But obviously that isn't true!" Myoga sighed. "Inuyasha i feel that ___'s mother is keeping secrets." Inuyasha pondered the thought for a moment. "Hm. well she didn't seem horribly surprised by me when she first met she wouldn't keep a secret like that.." he waved his hand over ___ "From ____..." 'I have got to do something.....I have ruined her life.....i need to take her somewhere i can apologize.....' Inuyasha stared at Kaede then at ___ before leaping over, picking her up, and dashing from the hut.
___'s head felt like it was being hammered by a million jack hammers. "Ugh what happened...." She looked around to see darkness everywhere. "Am-am i dead?" "Ha-ha no, but you are sure trying." ___ shot up and turned around. "Who-who are you?" A tall man stood before her, wait not man, a youkai, a neko youkai. The neko-youkai looked her over. "Well, it seems it has happened." He frowned. "I am Khazana. Lord of the eastern lands. Well i was the lord." ___ nodded. "Eastern lands? So you must be a Neko-youkai then!" Khazana smiled and nodded "You have a very sharp eye! That's good!" Khazana walked towards her and handed her a dagger in a sheath. "Take this." ___ hesitantly took the dagger and unsheathed it, the blade was the shiniest silver she had ever seen, while the base of the blade was held to the handle by wings, the end of the handle ended in a phoenix head. "Its beautiful! But why?" Ignoring the question Khazana took the dagger and swung it, transforming it into a long sword. "Wow! how did you do that!" Flipping a piece of thin metal hidden in the tip of the sword out, causing it to sit on a angle, Khazana pulled what looked like bow-string from the phoenix's mouth and attached it to the thin metal piece and the phoenix's beak. 'am i imagining things or did the beak just close?' she looked at the weapon before finally seeing what Khazana did. "A bow!" Khazana nodded. He unhooked the string from the metal piece and put it back in the phoenix's mouth before sheathing the sword, transforming back into a dagger. "It is called, "Kouentori" and it only obeys neko." he said before handing it to ___. "Then how am i-" "Tell your mother Khazana says its time." Khazana disappeared leaving ___ in the darkness



Kouentori = Flame Bird

Khazana = Treasure

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