Chapter 6

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It was another day before (Y/N) woke again, Inuyasha held her the whole time, Whenever she started whimpering, signaling a bad dream, he would rub her ears and make a low rumbling noise that sounded like a purr mixed in with a growl. (Y/N) was sitting against the wall of the bunker, stroking Taka. "Thanks you for coming to help us Taka." He responded by flapping his wings and cawing. Mama walked in and smiled, sitting down two cups of steaming ramen. Now maybe a week and a half ago Inuyasha would have jumped on that cup and gulped it down, but right now, looking at the cup made him feel sick. "Thank you Mama." (Y/N) reached over and grabbed a cup and started eating. Inuyasha knowing he had to eat something, reached over and started eating his as well. (Y/N) finished first and noticed her Mama staring at her two cat ears atop her head. "Mama.... I guess I should explain what happened....." Mama nodded and she settled down to listen to the story. After (Y/N) was done explaining what happened She remembered Khazana. "Mama, while i was still out from the bug bite.... I met a man in my dream, His name was Khazana, he told me to tell you it was time......what did he mean mama....." Mama tried to smile but knew she couldn't "Khazana was the lord of the eastern lands...... he is your father." In response to this Inuyasha spit his ramen out and stared at her in shock "Her father....was a CAT?" 'Well that explains why we fight over such stupid things' Mama nodded. "He came through the well about 20 years ago....when you were born and then Souta.....he said he had sealed your demon blood, i guess the bug that bit you unsealed it somehow....." (Y/N) nodded only half understanding what her mother was saying. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Well i figured why should i tell you about something that isn't suppose to happen.....when you first went through the well, I thought about telling you, but every time I came close to telling you I chickened out......" Inuyasha shook his head "That would make (Y/N) the last heir to the eastern lands, none dare to go there, and everything has been crazy since the last lord died...." (Y/N) stood up "Well then i guess i have to go set things straight there then right?" Inuyasha once again spit out his ramen. "Wench you can't go there alone!" (Y/N) nodded. "I know, Taka will come with me, and if you would like to then you can come to." With that, Taka had flown up to her arm and with that she was up the stairs and outside. Inuyasha's ears perked and he sniffed the air. 'Oh god no.' He threw his ramen on the ground and bolted after (Y/N), when he reached the door he was not prepared for the scene before him. There stood a man hold (Y/N), with a gun to her head. Inuyasha snarled "Let her go now!" The man smiled. "You are both coming with me filthy youkai!" "Inuyasha why'd you take o-" Mama came to the door and gasped at what she saw. "What the hell are you doing?!" The man turned to Mama. "Ma'am I'm going to need you to stand back, these two are extremely dangerous." "I'm not backing off anywhere! That is my daughter you currently have your gun pressed against!" Taka, who had been circling above, chose that moment to dive down, not towards the man, but to grab the shikon jewel chunk around (Y/N)'s neck. He then flew over to Inuyasha and ripped a piece of his haori off before flying and diving into the well. The man looked slightly confused for a moment before he continued trying to get Mama to leave Taka flew up and out of the well, he very well knew he had to find someone to help, if he didn't (Y/N) would die. It was then he caught a faint scent he recognized from (Y/N), it was a female yokai's scent. He flew towards it and came upon a village. Taka signaled out a hut that carried the scent before diving in. He looked around at the startled people in the hut, a young male, a Kitsune, a trickster fox youkai, and the female same he had been tracking. He hopped over to the female, tilted his head at her, and then dropped the haori piece in her lap. Sango picked up the Haori piece and looked it over. "This is Inuyasha's Haori! It's covered in blood!" Sango stared at Taka for a moment. Taka lifted up his foot and picked up the jewel with his beak. All the people in the hut gasped at this. Taka waved it in front of her before hopping out of the hut. "Wait come back!" Sango grabbed Hirakotsu and followed the bird. Kirara was following closely behind, with Miroku and Shippou in tow. Taka led them to the well and circled it, then dived halfway in and flew back out. Sango studied the bird for a moment. "Something's happened to them....." Taka dropped the jewel at Sango's feet. "We need to go help them!" "Sango we can't remember, only Inuyasha and (Y/N) can go through." "Oh yes we can Miroku, With a chunk of the shard this big." Miroku nodded. "Yes we have to try." Sango picked up the jewel and grabbed Miroku's hand, Sango picked up Kirara with her free hand while Miroku picked up Shippou. With one last glance they jumped, Taka diving in after them. There was a flash of blue, then darkness. "Well it worked Sango, But how do we get out?" Sango studied the space and turned to Kirara. Kirara transformed, it was a tight fit but she could get them out. When they were all out of the well Sango crept to the door and opened it slowly and took in the scene before her, Inuyasha was standing up on some stairs glaring at the man at the bottom of them she looked closer at the man 'Oh Kami, (Y/N)!' Sango ducked behind the door as Taka Swooped out and landed on Inuyasha's shoulder. Kirara slowly walked out after him and bounded up to the man holding (Y/N) and started rubbing against his leg. "Is this some kind of joke? Are you trying to kill me with a kitten? And what's with that bird! Wait a minute! That's the bird from earlier! Now i know for sure you are the youkai!" The man looked down at Kirara who in turn looked up at him and mewed, the man grinned at Kirara before raising his foot and kicking her halfway across the yard. Inuyasha couldn't help but laugh. "You know you're going to die now right?" The man laughed "What's it gonna do give me fleas?" Kirara had already started to run at the man, when she was 3 feet away, she transformed and leapt on the man. There was a gunshot, (Y/N)'s scream and Inuyasha had jumped of the stairs and was picking her up in an instant. "(Y/N)?! Where did it hit you?" (Y/N) held out her arm, a nasty gash showed where the bullet had hit, it had fallen out, so it would heal. Inuyasha turned to Kirara who pinned down the man who was currently too petrified to do anything. Sango, Miroku, And Shippou were running from the well. (Y/N) ran towards them, giving Sango a hug. "(Y/N), are you alright!?" (Y/N) nodded, though there were tears running down her face. "How did you get here?!" Sango pointed to Taka, who was still on Inuyasha's Shoulder. "That bird led us here. He brought us the jewel so we could come." (Y/N) nodded. Mama had sat down, her heart beating faster than she ever thought possible. (Y/N) pulled away from Sango and walked to the man. She hissed at him before using her miko powers to turn him to ash. "Mama I would introduce my friends but we have to get out of here before our luck runs out." Mama nodded and waved goodbye as they all in turn, jumped back into the well.  

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