Chapter 4

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Inuyasha pulled away from (Y/N). "(Y/N)....I- I'm sorry I didnt me-" Don't be.....I-I liked it..." Inuyasha perked his ears up. "Something is in the bushes." He stood up and walked towards them, (Y/N) following close behind. Inuyasha parted the bushes to see what was there. (Y/N) looking over his shoulder. "Its a bird!" She walked around him to get a closer look. Inuyasha growled. "Its a youkai, dont touch it." (Y/N) shook her head. "I don't care what it is. It's hurt and im not just going to leave it there!" (Y/N) pushed past him and knelt next to the bird. "Hey little guy, whats wrong?" The bird let out a caw and held up a limp wing. "Aw poor little guy, Come here, I'll help you." "(Y/N)! Don't Touch it!" (Y/N) ignoring him picked up the bird and stood up. "Well since i dont have a clue where we are, you going to have to lead." Inuyasha shook his head. "Put the damn bird back!" (Y/N) frowned. "Inuyasha SI-" "Okay! Okay! lets go!. " He grumbled, Pulling her on his back, he carried her back to the village.Back at the village inuyasha set (Y/N) down, she wrinkled her nose trying to get use to the smell. "Inuyasha we have to go back to my home." Inuyasha sighed. "I thought as much." "Your actually going to let me?" Inuyasha nodded. "Well you sorta gotta explain what happened...." "And I gotta help this bird." "And that." He grumbled, But picked her back up and carried her to the well, when he got there he set her back down. "Do you really gotta bring that." (Y/N) nodded, Its a full youkai, so all i should have to do is put the ointment I have on it and he will be fine in 5 minutes..." Inuyasha sighed "Fine, but then your getting rid of it!" (Y/N) completely ignoring him was petting the bird. "I'm going to call you Taka." She said before jumping into the well, Inuyasha jumping in after her."Senskai sir?" Senskai was sitting in a chair filling out papers. "What jetskay?" "The youkai has returned, and we have sucessfully tracked it, there is also another signal with it, of equal power." Senskai stood up. "Excellent! Waist no time! Send out the capture troops!" Jetskay nodded before hurrying out of the room.Inuyasha jumped out of the well and walked to (Y/N) who was already halfway to the door. "Crap! How could I have forgotten! My family went away for a week!" Inuyasha sighed. "Course they did, well atleast we wont be here that long then...." Inuyasah grabbed (Y/N) and jumped up to her window, She unlocked it and they both climbed in. (Y/N) was already opening up the ointment and spreading it on Taka's wing which in turn quickly healed. "There you go!" Taka flapped his wings happily before jumping up and combusting. "Woaaaaa! whats that!" Inuyasha shook his head. "He is transforming, I TOLD YOU HE WAS A DAMN YOUKAI! A phoenix one to be exact." Taka had turned into a huge bird, that resembled a giant red tailed hawk, except for the fire that was burning on the end of his tail and wing feathers, aswell as just above his legs. "Uh, Taka....mind, you know..... changing back?" Taka cawed before combusting again and changing into a hawk. Inuyasha shot up growling. "Inuyasha? He didnt do anything need to get angry at him." Inuyasha shook his head. "Something's coming. I smell gunpowder. Lets go, Back to the well, quick!" Taka flew up and perched on (Y/N)'s shoulder as she leapt out the window, just in time to see the cars arrive. Taka cawed and flapped his wings sensing the danger. "Taka go back threw the window, if i need you ill wistle okay?" Taka half understanding flew back into (Y/N)'s room. "Inuyasha take this." She handed him a hat and she tuked her tail into her skirt, hoping to god it wouln't fall out. Inuyasha stood infront of her realizing he made the mistake of leaving tetsusaiga in her room. Atleast 50 men jumped out of the cars, all of them with guns. One of them walked to the front and stood staring at the two people infront of him. "Well Well we finally got you. Seems you brought a pretty lady with you this time to." Inuyasha responded to this with a growl. "Now you can either come easy, or we can do this the fun way." Inuyasha backed up slowly, pushing (Y/N) towards the well. "Well then, fun way it is." In response to that a man shot his gun, a single tranq dart landing in Inuyasha's arm. "Inuyasha.....thats a tranquelizer, it puts you to sleep...." Inuyasha shook his head. "There gonna need alot more for it to have a affect on me." (Y/N) frowned. "They do have alot more baka!" 3 more darts 2 landing in Inuyasha one of them found (Y/N)'s leg. She let out a hiss of pain. 'I have to find a way to get tetsusaiga....that bird!' "(Y/N), get the bird to get tetsusaiga." (Y/N) nodded, and was about to wistle when someone grabbed her from behind. "Let me go!" Inuyasha's first response was to spin around and lash out at the man who had grabbed her, only to be met with 13 darts to the back, falling to his knees, then falling over completely, he could only watch as they carried (Y/N) and him towards a waiting cage.______________________________________________________________________________Translations.            Tori = bird Taka = Hawk Senskai = Word i made up Jetskay = More made up words
OMG I posted a new chapter after so long!And there will be more today. I will even do a face reveal if you guys say you want that.

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