northern lights

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"artemis. shut the fuck up." atlas grabbed her friend by the shoulder, stopping her pacing and placing her other hand over art's mouth. "we're gonna be fine. this years gonna be fucking great." she let her arms drop to the side as art nodded. "let's do this." art said defiantly, standing up tall. "that's my girl." atlas grabbed her bag from off the ground before she walked out the door, grabbing her book bag off the floor as she did so. she turned to art to begin talking to her before she slammed straight into a solid chest, falling back against the ground. she heard art begin laughing, clapping her hands together. over her friends idiotic laugh she heard a male voice repeated saying sorry. "oh jesus im so sorry." the boy repeated once more, holding his hand out. atlas took it and pulled herself up. the first thing she noticed about the boy was his bright pink hair. she blinked a few times before the boy was pushed out of the way and a boy with tan skin and brown eyes replaced him. "im sorry for him. my names calum and that idiot over there is michael." he jerked his thumb toward the pink haired boy behind him. she noticed they both had thick australian accents. she barely had time to open her mouth to introduce herself before she was being barreled over, this time from behind. "calum!" she heard her new attacker scream before she noticed him jumping on to calum. calum stumbled, almost falling over with the sudden weight of this new comer. "really luke?" she heard michael sigh as artemis helped her up. "yeah, luke, really?" she groaned, rubbing at her head. "oh shit." the pale boy dropped from calum, stumbling on to his feet. he turned to face atlas and introduce himself. he stopped, straightening up and staring at atlas for a few seconds. atlas stared back, cheeks turning pink. the boy had short blonde hair that was pushed into a quiff, covered by a beanie. he was wearing a sex pistols shirt covered by a grey jacket and skinny jeans. art cleared her throat, interrupting their unofficial staring contest. "sorry to interrupt this whole love at first sight introduction, but we're totally gonna be late for our class, a. so we need to go like, right now." art began pushing atlas away. atlas looked down at her watch, noticing the time. "shit." she yelled before taking off in a sprint. artemis sighed exasperatedly and  turned to face the boys. "nice meeting you!" she called before she turned and began chasing atlas. "slow the fuck down!"

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