damn good day

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the image is the way i imagine ashton in this story, so like young 2014 ashton okay okay.

"okay so luke and i have this class together, then i go to mrs. roberts psychology class, then i have writing, free period, then music, then french." atlas explained her schedule to the group. the group sat outside the college, comparing schedules for a few minutes. art and atlas had psychology together, they all had music together, they all had their free period together, atlas had writing with michael and calum, french with calum, and art had guitar with luke, which was during atlas' writing period, and michael had film by himself, which was during atlas' french period. they all went their seperate ways, hugging and waving, besides luke and atlas, who began walking to their film class together. "so how do you think this class is gonna go?" luke asked, gripping the strap of his backpack. atlas glanced over at him and shrugged. "dunno, honestly. i mean, ive heard shiftlet is cool and everything, but ive also heard he gives assignments on like the first day." luke couldn't help but groan at atlas' words, titling his head back slightly. atlas grinned as she looked up at him. "oh come on, blondie, it won't be that bad. we have the class together, so whatever assignment we get i can help you on, since you obviously seem oh so desperate to spend time with me. ill even sit next to you in class." she giggled, seeming almost happy despite that it was eight in the morning. luke gave her a weird look, raising his eyebrows slightly. "jesus, a, how are you so happy at eight am?" he asked, yawning halfway through the sentence. "oh you know, i have this cute neighbor who decided to walk me to class today. could make any girl happy." she winked and this. this was flirting. this was unfamiliar territory to atlas, so she had no clue where the confidence was coming from as she managed to hold back a blush. luke stopped walking, staring at her for a few seconds before smirking, and atlas curses every single god she can think of for putting this beautiful boy in front of him. "well, not every day that you get to walk an insanely cute girl to class, so i guess it's a win-win for both of us." he shrugged before continuing to walk and atlas took a few seconds before trailing after him, blush turning her entire face red. okay it's not like she actually knew if she like liked luke, she'd barely been with him a day, but this was a beautiful blonde boy with baby blues and legs that go on for miles and a lean body and a sharp jaw and slight stubble and it's like he was carved from marble, specially made just for atlas. her blush didn't die down until they entered the huge lecture hall, and atlas crowded close to luke as people shoved and pushed through them to get to the correct rooms quickly. she glanced up at luke, wrapping her hand gently around his arm. she felt like such a baby but she didn't do well in crowds of people, especially people who had no care for her or her wellbeing. luke smiled down at her and began pushing carefully through the crowd. people seemed to part for him and his long legs, a few girls glancing up at him ever so often. eventually atlas spotted the room number and tugged at lukes arm, and he guided them into the room. she let go of his arm as soon as they entered the big room, breathing a sigh of relief. "thanks." she whispered, blush flaring back up across her cheeks. "no problem, cupcake." he grinned and atlas felt her heart flip over in her chest and maybe, just maybe, she kind of was getting a crush on the boy standing in front of her. she cursed herself for having a heart that took the slightest interest into someone who was nice to her and followed luke to the top row in the back of the room. she pulled out her laptop and set it on the desk in front of her and luke did the same, pulling out a pad of paper as well. they chatted quietly as the rest of the class filed in, talking about their expectations for this year. "i don't know, i just hope all my teachers are cool as hell." luke whispered and atlas looked up as the door opened, revealing who was probably the teacher, as he was dressed fancy and was carrying a briefcase. atlas fell silent and turned to the front, and that's how she spent all class.

class went well, with minimal distraction from luke, who would occasionally throw pieces of paper at her and whisper her name to get her attention. she would flick him off each time, ignoring his soft whine, and pay attention to the teacher. she was beginning to think she would get off without an assignment on the first day, as everyone began packing their stuff, but mr. shiftlet quickly called for their attention. "okay, i do this every year for my freshman. so you guys have probably heard by now that there will be an assignment to begin this year." he paused, letting the loud groan run through the class. atlas slid back in her seat, pouting. "oh lighten up, you guys haven't heard the assignment yet. for this assignment, you may have partners," the class livened up at that. "since this is a film class, your project will center around that and won't be due till the end of the school year." the class was chattering excitedly and shiftlet held his hand out, calling for calm. "i want you guys to film your entire year. film the classes you can, film outside the class, film your friends, film yourself and your reactions, film good times, film bad times. at the end of the year i want you to edit all the clips you deem well enough into a short film, and make sure it tells a story, like a movie. don't just bullshit it by putting random clips together. i want to be touched, i want it to feel like a real movie, and i want to want more." the class couldn't seem to hold in their excited chatter, volume almost drowning out the teachers last few words. atlas glanced at luke, who was mouthing 'partners' to her. 'of course' she mouthed back, and stood up as shiftlet dismissed the class. luke walked to her and grabbed her hand tightly, beginning to lead them through the tightly packed room. atlas grinned and bit her lip. maybe college wouldn't be so bad.

it was turning their free period that's things started getting... well, weird. they had all agreed to meet up at the front of the college, and then go out for pizza and make it back in time for class. everyone besides luke and art were there, and they should be coming back from their guitar class. "there." michael pointed as he caught sight of the two. luke stomped over and shoved art into atlas, who stumbled slightly. her friend looked out of it, slightly terrified and with a dreamy look on her face. "take her, take her back, never give her to me again, i don't want her." luke huffed, and he sounded exasperated but fond in the same sentence. atlas glanced down at artemis. "what happened?" she asked. "mr. irwin." artemis sighed dreamily and atlas looked to luke for an explanation. "our teacher! she wants to bang our teacher! she screamed! at! our! teacher!" luke yelled and dropped down on the ground, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. michael patted the top of his head and atlas spun art around to face her. "you screamed at him?!" she shook her friend slightly, and that seemed to bring her from her daze. "oh, a, it was just beautiful. god, he's just beautiful. he's got such pretty hands, and he helped me with my guitar, oh god he's so dreamy." she sighed happily. "oh no. ohhhh no. not again. you did this with mr. dirk, you did it with mrs. beckett, and you did it with dean mitchell. none of them were interested. not again, you had to drop all those classes and the dean was almost fired." atlas shook her head firmly. "but a, it was different this time." she grinned. "yeah. you screamed at him!" luke yelled from his spot on the ground. "in front of the whole fucking class!" he whined and laid back against the grass. atlas giggled before turning back to art, who was blushing. "what do you mean, 'screamed'?" she crossed her arms over her chest and art looked away sheepishly. "well, when he entered, i thought he was a student. honest to god, he looks fresh out of college, a. anyway, so he came in and i jumped up and i was so fucking nervous but i had to talk to him so i kinda... screamed." she tugged on the ends of her hair. "well, not screamed. i kinda yelled at him that he was really pretty, and the whole class was watching, and i asked for his number and his name, and he said 'mr. irwin' and sat behind the desk. and then through the whole class i was so embarrassed i couldn't play my guitar right, and then mr. irwin came over and used his pretty long fingers to help me, and then after class he told me to wait and he gave me this. this!" she held up a tiny white piece of paper. "his number, atlas. i got my hot guitar teachers fucking number." she squealed, dancing happily. atlas groaned and shook her head. "fuck it all, let's get pizza. i don't care anymore, im dropping you as my best friend and im taking luke instead." she grabbed the blondes hand and dragged him to stand before tugging off down the street, the group trailing after.

atlas was fucking exhausted when she got home. artemis would not. stop. talking. about her teacher. she had to lock herself in her room just to get away from her rattling on about the guys curly locks. she slumped against her wall, the one that connected to lukes room, and all was quiet before she heard shuffling on the other side of the door. she hesitated before calling, "luke?" softly and pressing her ear to the wall. she heard a soft curse and something crashing to the ground an she giggled. "atlas?" she heard back a few seconds later. "yeah. hi." she could hear lukes grin in the next sentence he spoke. "couldn't go an hour without me, could you?" she rolled her eyes. cause, well, yeah he was right. but she couldn't let him know that. "oh shut up. art was driving me up a wall. mr. irwin this, mr. irwin that. a girl can only take so much." she sighed dramatically and she could hear lukes loud laugh through the wall. "okay, okay, hold on a second." she heard rustling, and then a door open. she sighed softly and sat back against the wall. she had enjoyed talking to luke, even if she couldn't see him. it was only a minute later that she hear knocking on her door and she groaned and stood up. she threw open the door. "go away, art-oh. hi luke." she stepped back slightly and let him in the room before closing and locking the door again. "figure id be better company than mrs. art irwin out there." he dropped down on the bed and atlas groaned as she sat next to him. "oh don't even, it's gonna be all over her notebooks in days." she whined and laid back on the pillow next to luke. she yawned, nose scrunching up slightly as a wave of exhaustion crashed over her. luke laughed softly. "tired?" he asked as atlas closed her eyes. atlas nodded slightly and luke shifted. "i mean i can leave if you want." he made to leave and atlas shook her head. "nah. s'okay, we can have a sleepover." she grinned up at him without opening her eyes. sleepover, atlas, really? she chided herself in her mind, but luke was laughing as he laid back in bed. "okay, cupcake, we can have a sleepover." was the last thing atlas heard before slipping out of consciousness. the last thing she felt was soft lips pressing to her forehead. all in all, it was a damn good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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