im an art major

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luke let his eyes trail after the two girls who ran from him. he turned to calum, who had his arm wrapped around michaels shoulders. "who was that?" he asked, sticking his hands in his jacket pockets. calum opened his mouth to respond before he shut it quickly, furrowing his eyebrows. "i uh, i don't actually know. you knocked her over before she could answer." luke glanced behind him once more and shrugged. he held up the key to their apartment. "found the key." he said, shaking the key in front of calums face. calum rolled his eyes and snatched the key from luke's hand. he turned and opened the door to their apartment, looking around the place that was scattered with boxes and misplaced furniture. "well boys," michael dropped his arm from calums waist. "let's get started." he rubbed his hands together and stepped into the house.

the boys spent the whole morning unpacking boxes and moving furniture and dictating who's room was who's. luke got the smallest room because he was the youngest, and calum and michael shared the master bedroom. there were two bathrooms and three bedrooms, one bathroom in the master bedroom and another next to lukes room. luke walked into his new room, which has light blue walls and a bed pushed into the far corner. there was a tiny bed stand at the end of his bed, which he kept most of his personal possessions in. most of his clothes hung on the closet, and there was a guitar leaning against the TV that was sitting on the floor until he was able to get a dresser. he flopped on to his bed, checking the time. it was almost 3 in the afternoon and he was exhausted. he brought his pillow to his chest and wrapped his arms around it before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep. he awoke what couldn't have been more than 20 minutes later to loud rap music blasting through the paper thin walls of their apartment. "michael!" he screamed and the pink haired boy tumbled into the room. "it's not me i swear!" michael held his hands up in a defensive position. luke sat up and rubbed at his eyes. "who the hell is it then?" he asked over a yawn. "dunno, people next door? me and calum are making mac and cheese." he stated before leaving the room. luke groaned and stood off his bed, leaving his door open as he exited his room. "be right back!" he yelled before he left the house. he stood outside. his door for a few seconds before he decided the music was coming from the left of him. he walked over and knocked on the door. he stepped back and waited for it to open. "i got enemies, gotta lotta enemies, gotta lotta people tryna drain me of this energy." he heard a female voice sing, getting closer to the door. it squeaked open, revealing a short girl with brown hair and pale skin. she was wearing an oversized hoodie and what looked like pajama pants, along with glasses in a black frame. "how much do I owe you?" she asked, head down as she sifted through the money in her hand. luke cleared his throat and the girl looked up. "you're not the pizza man." she furrowed her eyebrows and turned her head. "atlas, turn that shit down!" she screamed. "we have guests!" she stepped back into the house. "you may come in." she bowed slightly. "you always invite strangers into your house?" luke snorted and walked into the apartment. he saw another girl walk out of a room on the right side of the apartment, meaning that room would connect with lukes if there was no wall in between it. that explains the noise. "when they're as cute as you, yes." the girl in front of him batted her eyelashes and luke raised an eyebrow. "art, stop being a whore." the new girl rolled her eyes and dragged the other girl up by her hoodie. she took a good look at lukes face before her eyes widened. "i know you!" she exclaimed, snapping and pointing her finger at luke. "you ran into me this morning!" luke squinted his eyes before he jumped, nodding slightly. "oh yeah! im super sorry about that!" his cheeks turned pink. "oh the boy does speak!" the girl with glasses stated. "well im art and this slut is atlas." she pointed to the girl luke had ran into. "nice to meet both of you." luke nodded and atlas stepped into the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out three beers from the fridge. she popped the tops of the three glass bottles and brought them to the living room, handing one to luke and one to art. luke nodded his head and took a careful sip. "so what brings you to our apartment?" atlas asked, almost subconsciously clinking her bottle against arts before they took a sip at the same time. "uh, well i was sleeping and i was gonna tell you to turn the music down but im pretty awake now so i guess it doesn't matter." he shrugged. "so I think ill be going now, roomies are making mac and cheese." he saw art perk up noticeably and heard atlas whisper no before their attention was turned back to him. "thanks for the beer." he held it up and took another sip before he turned and awkwardly left the apartment and walked back into his own. he stood at the door for a few seconds, oddly confused before he shut the door and walked into the kitchen, setting the beer down on to the counter. michaels eyes widened at the sight of the bud light on the table. "where did you get that from?" he asked, looking at like from his place on the counter, spoon with mac and cheese on it halfway to his mouth. "uh, next door." he slid the beer across the counter and calum snatched it up quickly, taking a sip before going to hand it to michael and not realizing the boy had already jumped off the counter and opened the door. "mikey!" luke yelled, chasing him out the door. he heard calum groan before he followed after them. the door next to theirs was open and michael was talking to atlas. "this yours?" the brunette asked, motioning toward michael. luke sighed and nodded. "he wanted a beer." he said exasperatedly. "in that case," art popped up out of nowhere. "welcome." she practically pulled michael in the door. calum and luke shared a look. "this is not gonna end well." they sighed at the same time before stepping into the house.

colleges *a Luke Hemmings fic*Where stories live. Discover now