school ugh

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the groups stayed out until it started getting dark. michael and calum were messing around in the pool, art was sleeping on a chair, and luke and atlas were sat at the edge of the pool, arguing avidly over their favorite bands. "no okay, listen. the front bottoms are totally the best band okay like, they speak to me." luke scoffed at atlas' weak reasoning. "okay but have you heard anarbors music? like they're so upbeat but their lyrics are so meaningful!" he exclaimed. atlas rolled her eyes. "okay no, that's exactly what the front bottoms do!" "shut up!" art yelled from where she was half asleep on the chair. "anarbor wins, stop your bickering." she turned over and curled into a tight ball. luke cheered. luke was also pushed into the pool by atlas.

an hour after it had gotten dark the group arrived back to their apartment. art unlocked their door and dragged herself inside, and atlas knew that there was no way she'd even stay up long enough to change from her clothes. "party hard, crash hard." luke laughed as he watched art bump into the couch before going into her room. michael and calum were already in the house, door shut as they, most likely, began to make food. atlas giggled and shook her head, leaning back against the tiny space of wall that separated their apartments. "i don't think ive ever had this much fun with people ive just met, what, 12 hours ago." she said, more as a statement than a question. luke grinned, feeling oddly proud at her words. she giggled, reaching her hand out to poke his dimple. luke blushed and stuck his tongue out at her. "why does everyone do that?" he whined, slouching forward slightly. atlas shrugged, large smile not disappearing from her face. "cause it's cute." and luke grinned at her words, and she poked the dimple again, and luke didn't push her hand away like he normally would. she dropped her arm to her side and bit at her lower lip, dragging it into her mouth before she spoke. "seriously, thanks for making my first day of school one of the best days." she said, almost hesitantly. luke nodded. "anytime, atlas. i can tell that this is definitely the beginning to a wonderful friendship." he said. atlas stared at him for a few seconds before pushing off the wall and pressing a kiss to his cheek. luke stumbled back, surprised, and atlas escaped in to the apartment before he could say anything. she shut the door and luke lifted a hand to press against his cheek where she had kissed him. he stood, staring at the wall, for at least a minute before he turned and walked into his own apartment, hand still pressed to his cheek.

it was around eight in the morning when he woke the same the way he had yesterday afternoon: to drake blasting loudly through the walls. he groaned and slammed his fist against the wall a few times and the music stopped. he sighed happily and shifted to get comfortable again, not opening his eyes through the whole ordeal. he was almost back to sleep before he heard the music again, much louder than before. "fucking." he sighed and shoved the covers off of himself, standing up and making his way out of the apartment. he slammed his fists against atlas' apartment door, and the girl opened it up almost instantly, like she was expecting it. "yes? how may i help you, dear neighbor?" she leaned against the doorframe. luke rolled his eyes. "really? with the music again? is this gonna be a daily thing?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. "it's your wake up call, lucas. consider us your personal alarm that you can't hit snooze on. now, go get ready for school." with that she slammed the door in his face, leaving him no room to argue. he groaned and stomped back to his apartment.

"was that luke?" art asked, stepping out from the hallways as she pulled a shirt on. atlas nodded, smiling way too much for it being eight in the morning. art mock gagged and atlas slapped her arm before she made her way to the kitchen and pulled out two bowls to fill with cereal. "oh shut up. he's nice." atlas stated. art grinned and jumped on to the counter. "someone's got a crush." she sing songed, taking the offered bowls of milk and cereal. atlas gave her a look before jumping on to the counter next to her. art handed her her own bowl of cereal and they began eating. "shut up. what about you and michael?" atlas gave her friend a nudge, careful not to push her off the counter. art rolled her eyes. "can you not tell that he's gay? that boy is a flaming homosexual, and totally in love with calum." she stated factually around a mouth full of cereal, tilting her head back slightly so no food would fall out. "what?" atlas shook her head. "no way." she took another bite of cereal. "uh, yeah way." art hopped off the counter and took the last bite of cereal. "they're totally in love, my gaydar is on point." she put the cereal in the kitchen sink before she walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth. "okay," atlas called after her. "that sounds fake but okay!"

after both girls had brushed their teeth and gotten their shoes on, they stepped into the hallway and walked to the boys door. they pounded against it repeatedly until it flung open, revealing a tired looking, but well dressed, calum. "what?" he asked, yawning. "we need someone to walk us to school." art practically demanded. "and we kind of guessed you guys went to the same school as us." atlas continued. "so you guys are up for the job." they finished at the same time, as though it was rehearsed. calum gave them a weird look. "fucking freaks." he shook his head and walked into the apartment. atlas and art shared a look before following him in, looking around the apartment that was practically identical to theirs, besides the placement of furniture. there was a small hallway with a closet before you walked in to a large living room, where a old look black couch was placed, along with a table and a TV. walking straight through the living room it split into two paths, one leading down a hallway with a bathroom and the two bedrooms at the end of it, and the other path leading towards the kitchen. atlas and art dropped on to the couch and waited for the rest of the boys to come out so they could leave. calum was first to come out, back pack slung over one shoulder. he was wearing a black tank top and skinny jeans, along with a beanie. luke followed him, wearing a red and black plaid flannel, black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knee, and a snap back. michael was the last one out, pink hair a mess and eyes drooping. he was wearing a nirvana shirt and, keeping with the theme, black skinny jeans. "are we ready, emo fam?" atlas asked, standing up. "shut up, you look just as emo." michael snarked over a yawn. it was true, she noted, as she looked down at her outfit. she was wearing a black crop top and black high waisted skinny jeans, along with black spiked combat boots. "okay don't sass me boy." she stated firmly, pouting. "michael is not a morning person." luke rolled his eyes and grabbed his back pack off the ground. "come on guys, let's go or we'll never make it to class." art started shooing them out the door, pushing atlas out first and then the rest of the boys. "what's everyone majoring in?" atlas began a conversation for the short walk to the college. "art." luke perked up. "music." calum and michael stated at the same time. "hey, atlas." luke nudged her. "hey, luke." atlas copied. "do you know where mr. shiflets film class is? that's my first class." he asked. art grinned, almost evilly. "considering that's my class too, yes i do know where he's at." atlas answered, shoving art slightly. "this year is gonna be fucking lit." art clapped her hands together and luke sighed. what has he gotten himself into?

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