Chapter 17 Teckers

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Chapter 17

Bell's POV

The boy's are warming up for are last concert in London. We are at the sound check now. After we this concert Simon said we have another week of before we go to Wales, I don't know where in Wales we are going but I am just excited to go to my home country again!

"Hey your Bella right?" A voice from behind me breaks me away from my thoughts I turn to see 1D's drummer Josh Divine

"Yep that me! Your Josh?" I ask, I took in his face, good looking but not really my type with the stretcher and all that, but exactly Lizzies type

"Yup, it's wired we have never talked really!" He says

"yes it is, I guess we have never not been busy at the same time!" I say he signals for me to follow him, we walk to the bands Dressing room it was empty

"So do you play any instruments?" Josh asks me

"yep Piano, Guitar and a little flute!" I say proudly my family had always bean musical

"WOW i just play drums" He says

"I have always wanted to play the drums I learnt a little when i has 10 but stopped playing so i lost everything!"

"I can teach you if you like?" He say i gasp


"Yep You have the sound check in an hour and i have nothing to do so why not?" he says he was right 1 hour to kill some time

"ok then!" I say he grabs my hand and pulls me into what looks like a recording studio with instruments in there is a big drum kit in the corner josh pulls it out and sets it up, then gets to stools and puts them next to each other sitting on one

"Right then sit here and hold the drum sticks like this!" I copy his actions and he shows me how to count the beats and do different things with your feet and hands it was so much fun like we had been friends for years just mucking around telling each other stuff i thought him a bit of Piano as well we hadn't realised how long we had been until a load Lou runs through the door

"There you are Bells you were meant to be at the sound check 30 minutes ago!" Lou says

"Oh god sorry we must have lost track of time right josh!" i say hitting him on the head with the drum stick his hits me with a symbol

"Did you just hit my head with a symbol?" I ask trying to keep in my laughs

"eeerm looks like it!" he says laughing i jump on his back

"Come on Jake my wolf ride to the sound check?" I say hitting his head he howls

"Ok why wolf though, why not a vampire?" He asks walking out of the room with a dazed Louis behind us

"Because Jake is well fit and Edward and bella ewww have you seen the age difference only like 150 years, Plus wolves are my favourite animals apart from unicorns!" I say Josh chuckles

"So you are saying I'm 'fit'!" He says trying to put on my accent

"look gee your well fit and nout you say is goin to change dat!" I say putting my accent on really heavily

"gee?" Louis asks

"You guys really need to go to Preston seriously they make up new words every day like teckers!" I say

"teckers?" he asks

"It means hench or class" I say uugh these guys need to learn my language

"hench?" Louis asks

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