41~Disney Marithon

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41 Bella's POV

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

 The phone rang and rang but again it went to the same answer phone

"Hey sorry I can't get to the phone. I'll ring you back soon leave a message!" Alex's cheery voice repeated again and again still no answer. I have left about 20 voice mails 30 texts but still no answer. I scrape my fringe back with my hand groaning. What have I done to him for him to hate me so much. He had blocked me on Twitter, facebook, Skype. Every way I could but still no reply. Tears cover my eyes. My best friend hates me and i don't even know why. An Idea pops into my head. I find Lizzie's laptop in the abandoned bunk. I honestly have no Idea where everyone is. I just want to be alone. I open up her laptop and type in her password, muse. The home page pops up and I click on Skype. She is logged on. clicking on contacts Alex's is the fist. I click on him, his profile picture is him and a girl, she is beautiful. Skinny, tall caramel coloured hair. I can't help feeling jealous and hurt. It used to be me and him. Pulling a weird fish face but no I have been replaced just what he promised he wouldn't do. A tear slips down my face as I press video call. It rings and rings but again he doesn't answer. I am about to shut the laptop until I hear that voice.

"Oi, Oi!" Alex's voice ring trough the speaker. More tears fall, he will answer for lizzie but not me. My heart hurts so much as his voice calls out again.

"Lizzie are you there?" He asks I slowly pull up the screen his goofy grin soon flattens as he sees me. He looks so different. His spiked up ginger hair is now swiped like Justin Beibers old hair. His face looks older and stubble covers his chin.

"So you answer for Lizzie but not me?" My voice croaks out.
"Bella I have-" He starts
"No please don't go" It comes out almost as a whisper "Not until I know what I did to hurt you. Is it because I haven't called you much. I am sorry. But please just tell me" More tears flow and I can see Alex's bright green eyes glaze over

"Bells you haven't done anything" He says
"Then why do you hate be. Ignore me?" I ask getting more frustrated
"It's better this way" He says quietly
"How is this better?! Do you enjoy seeing me crying?! Do you enjoy hurting me?!" I ask getting louder and louder
"Bumble bee please don't do this?" He said using a name he made up for me so many years ago just makes me sob more
"No you don't do this"
"Please Bella just Know I'm doing this to protect you, because I love you" He whimpers out
"I love you too, but please don't go you don't know how much I need you" I whisper
"No Bella maybe one day in the future but to now" I burst into hysterics and I can't calm myself
"Don't cry Bee please" Alex begs but I can't stop

"bellybear why are you crying?" Louis asks franitcly rushing into the room. He looks at me and then the laptop screen, his jaw tenses

"Lou please no!" I beg as Louis snatches the laptop off me
"You hurt my girlfriend once and you won't do it again" With that he slammed shut the screen ending the call. He looks down at me causing me to cry more. I curl up into a ball. Louis tip toes over and curls his body around mine, he starts to play with my hair, his hot breath fanning over my neck

I'll have a prawn sandwich please (Louis Tomlinson)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن