Who's Side is Austin on?

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Ally glared at them both. They saw her glare and they smirked with pleasure. She just couldn't believe that her brother and her best friend would betray her. She sighed and stood up. "Why would you guys do this? Even you Elliot. You're my brother! You're supposed to be there for me!" She yelled. Elliot rolled his eyes.

"You may think that. Yet to me, you're the most pathetic person I know." He glared at her. Then he turned around and sat on the bed. Ally looked at Dez. "And Dez, why would you do this?" she asked,  giving him a puzzled look. Dez gave Ally a confused look. "Elliot told me that if I went along with his plan he would give me a Butterfinger." Dez answered. 

Ally raised an eyebrow. "And did he?" she asked. Dez looked down slightly and shrugged. "No." Ally nodded once. Austin ran in, smiling wide knowing that she was safe. "Ally!" he said, he picked her up and spun her around. Ally laughed. "Austin!.. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to save you." He said. He smiled. Ally returned the smile. "But I thought you were mad at me?" she asked. She looked directly into his eyes. "Of course I'm not!" He said. "I get that you would be mad. And I'm sorry." Ally smiled. "It's fine, Austin." They started leaning in.

Elliot interupted them. "Austin, are you really going to be on her side?" he raised an eyebrow. "Yes, why wouldn't I be? I love her." he said. "Oh isn't that adorable." Elliot answered. "But I'm just saying. She broke your heart too many times. I am actually surprised that you would even come here. We both know that when you save her she's just going to leave you again."

Ally's eye went wide. She turned to Austin. "Austin no! You know that's not true!" Austin didn't know what to say. "You know that, Austin. Just admit it." Austin sighed. "It could be true." Ally flashed him a hurt look. Elliot smirked. "Exactly. So who's side are you on?"

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