CHATER I: Halloween

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Stanford University

Present Day

"Sam! Get a move on, would ya?" A girl called, stepping under the threshold with her shiny red stilettos clicking softly on the hardwood floor. To complete her sexy, minimalistic nurse costume, she adjusted her headpiece so that it stayed firmly on in her hair for the duration of the night. "We were supposed to be there like 15 minutes ago."

She glanced at the photo of John and Mary Winchester which sat on the dresser as she passed it, as she always did. Then she pressed somewhat impatiently, "Sam, you coming or what?"

Sam Winchester appeared from around the door frame, sighing reluctantly at his girlfriend. His beautiful Jessica. She looked stunning as ever wearing that outfit, from the ridiculous nurse's hat perched on her long blonde curls to the knee-high white tights that clung to her shapely calves. But it didn't persuade him. "Do I have to?" He groaned half-playfully. But only half.

"Yes!" Jess exclaimed, tilting her head almost pleadingly at her boyfriend as she insisted, "it'll be fun."

Rolling his eyes to the heavens, Sam emerged from the bedroom, smiling un-enthusiastically.

"And where is your costume?" she asked loftily, her eyes boring into his with a look of mock-disdain as she quickly viewed his denim-layered outfit. Sam scoffed, his gaze finding the floor. Finally he shook his head, and smiling slightly, he said, "You know how I feel about Halloween."

When Sam and Jess arrived, the party was already in full swing. Decked out with polystyrene gargoyles (one of which lamely sported a ball cap embroidered with the phrase "GET NAKED"), black lights, and a fine layer of faux cobwebs which covered pretty much everything, the room was pulsing with music and the influence of alcohol on young college minds. The crowd was all in costume, from pirates to popes, except for Sam, it seemed. But that didn't stop him from taking advantage of the drinks being served.

Sitting at a small table on the outskirts of the room, Sam, Jess, and another friend Luis celebrated in their own way. Raising a shot glass triumphantly, Jess declared, "So here's to Sam and his awesome LSAT victory."

It wasn't the first time she'd tried to toast to it, either. "All right, all right. It's not that big a deal."

"He acts all humble," Jess continued, as though she hadn't at all listened to what he said. "But he scored a 174."

The friend, dressed extravagantly as a ghoul, knocked back yet another shot and hissed at the bite, then choked out, "Mmm! Is that good?"

"Scary good." Jess confirmed, smiling fondly, then rolling her eyes in amusement when Sam attempted to take a shot and ended up dying a little bit on the inside when it blazed through him like liquid lightning. He grimaced, shaking his head to dismiss the burn.

"See, there you go," Luis went on, clapping Sam on the shoulder as he attempted to recover from the alcohol. "You are first-round draft pick. You can go to any law school you want."

"Actually, I got an interview here Monday." Sam said, a small grin of pride finding its way onto his face. "If it goes okay, I think I got a shot at a full ride next year."

"Hey," Jess interjected, grasping Sam's hand on the tabletop. "It's gonna go great."

Sam sighed internally, but shook his head with what he meant to be a promising smile. "It better."

"How does it feel to be the golden boy in your family?" Asked Luis, his voice dragging and drawling under the effect of the shocking quantity of booze he had consumed.

"Ah, they don't know." Sam said quickly, the question hitting a nerve somewhat. He fixed his eyes on Jess's hand covering his. He could feel her looking hesitantly at him, and knew that she knew that family was probably the touchiest subject one could bring up. But Luis was drunk - and he didn't know, nor would he remember much anyway.

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