Chapter VII: Joseph Welch

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Sam paced the room while he waited for Dean to shower and change into clean clothes. It was a little past 7:30.

For lack of anything better to do, Sam pulled out his phone to check his voicemail. There was one message there from Jessica. He smiled, but sighed, and clicked on it, raising the phone to his ear.

"Hey, it's me," came her voice over the speaker. He didn't realize how much he was missing her already. "It's about 10:20 Saturday night..."

"Hey man, I'm starving." Dean said loudly, cutting off the message as he emerged from the background, clean, wearing fresh clothes. "I'm gonna grab a little something to eat at that diner we were at yesterday. You want anything?"

Sam was barely listening. "No."

"Aframian's buying," Dean said with a grin as he pulled on his leather jacket.

"Mnh-mnh." He said, shaking his head and attempting to listen. Dean shrugged at him, opening up the door. He stepped outside into the bright sunlight and adjusted his collar as he started walking towards the Impala in the parking lot. As he passed through a row of cars, he glanced to the side when a sound pricked his ear. Like indistinct talking over a radio.

Deputy Jaffe and his partner from earlier stood beside their cruiser. They were speaking with the manager of the motel. Dean's stomach dropped. As he watched, the manager looked over at him and pointed so that the two officers looked over.

Swearing under his breath, Dean turned on his heel and groped around his pocket for his phone.

Sam was sitting on the end of the bed, listening contentedly to the tail end of Jess's message when Dean's call came in.

"So, come home soon, okay? I love you."

Beep beep.

Sam sighed, pressing the accept button on his phone. Dean.

"What?" He huffed.

"Dude, Five-O. Take off." Dean bit off as quickly as he could as the deputies began heading towards him. He knew this would be it for him at the moment.

A chill stole over Sam. Slowly, he stood, ready to run. "What about you?" He asked in a low voice.

"Uh, they kind of spotted me." Dean responded through the phone. Sam gulped. But there was further instruction. "Go find Dad."

And with that, Dean snapped shut his cell phone and turned to face the deputies with an innocent, charming smile plastered across his face.

"Problem, officers?" He asked smoothly.

"Where's your partner?" Jaffe asked, crossing his arms over his chest and pursing his lips.

"Partner?" Dean parroted, feigning confusion. He didn't realize he was stammering. "What - what partner?"

Shooting a glance back at the other deputy, Jaffe made a gesture for him to head towards the motel room. Crap. He hoped Sam had gotten out by then...

Sam watched from the window as the two officers confronted his brother. He swallowed. This was not good. But then suddenly one of the two turned and began heading straight for the motel room. Crap.

Jerking the curtains shut, Sam retreated from the window and headed for the bathroom. There had to be a window in there that he could climb through...

"So," Jaffe said, and Dean raised his eyebrows intently. "Fake U.S. Marshal, fake credit cards. You got anything that's real?"

Dean nodded solemnly. "My boobs." He said, and grinned.

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