Chapter 1

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I stared out of the window and to the streets bellow. Not much happens this early in the morning, nothing really happens here at all. I watch as the robins make their nest and the rabbits com out of the ground. I watch this until I'm bored to death and go downstairs to the living room.

I live in a mansion. It isn't that fancy to me because everyone in town lives in one. The walls are a bright turquoise color while the floor is a dark navy blue. My mom puts blur in everything, cakes, decorations, even most of our clothes are in reflection of her hobby. I'm probably the only person in the house whose bothered by this though. I wear a red dress everyday as a direct defiance to her. 

When I reach the dining room I see my older brother Andrew eating his sugary cereal. "Morning." I mutter to him still half asleep.

He only nods in response to me and grunts.

Despite us being brother and sister we don't look alike at all. Andrew is tall and has a broad build, blond hair and perfect blue eyes. While I'm short, have ebony black hair and purple eyes. My purple eyes apparently "run in the family" but during every reunion I have yet to find someone with the same eye colors as me.

I scoot next to my brother and lie my head down on the table. "Are you ever going to talk to me?" I plea. Since I can remember Andrew hasn't even as much said my name let alone acknowledge me as his sister.

For a moment nothing seems to happen so I get up and start returning to my room when Andrew speaks to me for the first time, "Can't believe they actual took you in Marlene.

I stop and turn around, "What?". But whatever happened in that moment seems to pass as Andrew continues to chew his cereal.

I run to my room and slam the door. What was that about? What did he mean by "actually took me in" wasn't I born into this family? No, I have to be. What other option is their. All orphans are placed into the foster home and are never adopted. He has to be mistaken.

I shuffle over to my closet and pull out the sleeveless red dress. I hug it and sit on my bed for awhile and gather my thoughts. I slip into it and hurry back downstairs. By this time my parents should be awake and they should be able to tell me that Andrew was just being mean. I 'm about to head into the dining room when I hear Andrew talking to my parents.

"We should just send her to the orphanage, it won't matter at all you never loved her anyway." 

My moms voice replaces Andrews, "That's not how we do things here! She's a member of the family and she'll stay here."

I'm stand still as if I've been turned into a statue, so I'm not their daughter? I press my ear closer to the wall and listen, this can't be true...

My father speaks now, "I agree with Andrew. She's nothing but another mouth to feed. And with the war coming I don't want to starve because of her. I say we put her back in the attic and see what happens. agreed?"

I listen to them agree anonymously to my fathers proposal. I'm shocked and overwhelmed about all I have learned. I wait a moment before entering the dining room. As I say good mourning everyone pretends that nothing has happened. I take my seat t the table and wait for dinner. While we eat my mind wanders and I begin to wonder and fear what they have in store.

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