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'Zoe Sugg.' A voice woke me by saying. I opened my eyes to be immediately blinded by light. I recognised where I was instantly, white walls and a wooden floor. I was on my sofa, in my living room - the exact same place where I fell asleep.

Although I was in the same place I was before I fell asleep, I was not in the same outfit, not at all. I was wearing a hideous frilly, red polka dot dress with a pearl necklace. The dress had some kind of flared cuff's that I swear were cutting off my circulation by the second.

Alfie was stood by the end of the sofa wearing a trench coat and a bowler's hat. He was looking down, just staring into space in front of him as if deep in thought. The way he was dressed sort of reminded me of Rick from the movie I fell asleep watching.

'Alfie? What on earth are you doing here.'

'Zoe, what they told you. It's not true.'

'Why are you dressed like that? What is going on?!' I panicked and stood up off the sofa. My laptop wasn't on the coffee table were I left it but a black typewriter was in it's place. My TV was no longer were it once was, a huge painted picture of myself and Alfie stood in it's place. I was wearing what looks like a feather scarf and pearl earrings. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off of it.

'Ah, that picture. I love it too and I equally hate it. The artist hasn't quite captured the emotion in my eyes and my smile looks a tiny bit too fake. The message is awfully clear though, wouldn't you say? It's true love honey and you just can't top that.' I looked over to him and watched him keep the same, determined expression as he two, couldn't seem to tear his eyes off the picture.

'Nobody will ever feel the love I have for you.' He said quietly, breaking the awfully loud silence that we were both drowning in as it was filling the room

'That's why you slept with my supposed best friend then.' I crossed my arms and tilted my head to look at him.

'As I said, what they told you just isn't true. Now we must leave here. Home does no good for the brokenhearted.' I looked him straight in the eyes and tried to work out if he is my Alfie. The one I knew 2 weeks ago who would of done anything for me.

'Is your hearing okay? I saw we've got to go or we shall be late.' He grabbed my hand, pulled me off the chair and lead me to the front door. On the way out, I looked into the mirror and saw my face was made up with red lipstick and my hair was in a fancy up do. My make-up seemed so extravagant and too neat to match the fact I'd just woken up.

We walked along the familiar roads that lead to Brighton town although everything looked old, not modern like it usually did. Everything was just outdated. It was too much to take in, I couldn't process it, time just seemed to be going so fast.

He didn't let go of my arm as we walked through the streets together, nor did he tighten his group. I asked question after question but heard no reply. His answer was silence to my every where are we going?, why am I dressed like this?, what day is it? And ultimately what an earth is going on?

Next thing I knew, we were in a bar taking a seat on wooden stools. I looked around, it certainly was busy. All the woman were wearing big dresses similar to mine and all the men were dressed in suits. Everybody looked so dressed up.

Most people had pipes or long cigarettes draped out their mouths. They were puffing the smoke into the air so freely, it was as if we were existing in a time before smoking in public buildings was banned.

'You two look like you need a drink, what shall it be?' The waitress asked myself and Alfie. She was blonde and slightly pale. She had on a long khaki coloured dress with great big curls in her hair. She also had pearls around her neck. I had to take 3 good looks at her before I realised where I recognised her face from.

Restless {Zoe Sugg/youtuber short story}Where stories live. Discover now