The life of a student.

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Author's note: This is NOT a love story, but a father x daughter story. I also don't own Attack on titan, the picture above, the characters or you ;) Plz enjoy. Ps. My English may be a little bit bad because i'm from another country ;)

You were walking down the corridor of your old school. You sighed as you looked on your clock and saw that you were late. As you stepped into to the classroom everyone turned to look at you. You felt the teacher glare on you.

- What is the meaning of this, Miss <L/N>? (that was the fake surname you used) This is the sixth time you're late! The teacher sighed and showed you to take your seat.

- Sorry, you said as you rolled your eyes.

You took your seat and the lesson continued. But you didn't pay any attention on the lesson at all. Actually you thought it was embarassing for a Survey corps member like you to go in an public school. After all you scored ten after your hard work and training to become an Survey Corps member. But then ''that'' happened. You remember it like it was yesterday, you were going on an expedition with some squads, including your father Levi's squad and your mother, Caroline's squad. And of course your own squad, wich you had been represented recently. It was all going fine until an abnormal, wich they had missed, attacked your mothers squad. You wanted to help, but Erwin said they were going to manage. Suddenly you saw how the titan picked up your mother in his gigantic hands. You screamed and shot your 3DMG in the nearest tree. But the tree was rotten and old and it fell on you, making you trapped. You could only look how the titan was ready to eat your mother. You cried and screamed. Your mother looked at you with sadness in her eyes. But she wasn't scared, she'd been ready to die the day she became an soldier. She smiled a weak smile and mimiced, I Love You before the titan bit her in half. You screamed and cried as the blood splattered everywhere. Meanwhile Levi saw what happened. He killed the titan and runned to your rescue.

- We are retreating, he said as he pulled you out. You were traumatised from the happening and all you could utter was ''Mom'' Levi saw that you were unable to ride. So he took your horse and rode with you in his protecive arms.

- I'm sorry you had to see that, he whispered as tears runned down his cheeks. Everyone in Squad 17 died that day. After that Levi thought it was best for you to retire as an soldier and squad leader.

You suddenly sit up, making your chair fall down. Everyone looks at you with frustration. You put your hand to your mouth. You felt sick and was ready to puke.

- Miss <L/N>? the teacher looked at you worriedly.

- May I go home? you ask weakly.

- Sure, but you should go visit the nurse's office first, the teacher said concerenly.

You nod and grab your things. But you skipped the nurse's office. After all this was not something that could be cured with medicin alone.

<Timeskip presented to you by bad memories>

When you got home you headed straight towards your father's office. You were going to make clear to him that you didn't like to go to school.

You came to the big oak door and swallow, while knocking carefully. You hear a faint sigh, before a voice rose up.

- Name, errand? your father asks, grumpy as always.

- Oh, um, it's me,

- Enter.

You open the big door and close it after you. Levi looks at you in frustration as he shows you to sit down.

- <Y/N>, shouldn't you be in school right now? he asks as he continues on his paperwork.

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